The desert rips our flesh Our mouths dry Our skin is cracked Moisture is what we crave The mirage of a city Our only antagonist As the heat bakes our skin Nothing left Vicious circle Our bodies are dead The sand gripped our knees
The last stint of the 2024-25 U.S. Highway 20 Cup rivalry between the Goshen CollegeMaple Leafs and the BethelPilots began this past weekend as the outdoor spring sports got their first chance at the competition for this school ... .
MOULTRIE — Public ServiceCommissioner Tim Echols acknowledged concerns about loss of farmland to solar farms during a speech last week to the MoultrieRotary Club, but he said the problem is about to take care of itself. Tim Echols.
“We’ve been working really hard, especially to try to make a comeback from last year,” senior guard MoniqueEchols said ... Echols had 22 points, including 15 on five three-pointers in the third quarter, to lead Baldwin on Monday.