Ecdysone is a steroidal prohormone of the major insect molting hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone, which is secreted from the prothoracic glands. Insect molting hormones (ecdysone and its homologues) are generally called ecdysteroids. Ecdysteroids act as moulting hormones of arthropods but also occur in other related phyla where they can play different roles. In Drosophila melanogaster, an increase in ecdysone concentration induces the expression of genes coding for proteins that the larva requires, and it causes chromosome puffs (sites of high expression) to form in polytene chromosomes. Ecdysteroids also appear in many plants mostly as a protection agent (toxins or antifeedants) against herbivorous insects. These phytoecdysteroids have been reputed to have medicinal value and are part of herbal adaptogenic remedies like Cordyceps, yet an ecdysteroid precursor in plants has been shown to have cytotoxic properties. A pesticide sold with the name MIMIC has ecdysteroid activity, although its chemical structure has little resemblance to the ecdysteroids.
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Jam tiga pagi itu
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Aku ingat ibuku . . . . . . .
Aku ingat istri dan anak perempuanku
Separo jalan menuju rumah
Sa'at lampu menyala merah
Di depan terminal bis kota
Yang masih sepi
Aku melihat seorang pelacur
Tertidur mungkin letih atau mabuk
Aku ingat ibuku . . . . . . . .
Aku ingat istri dan anak perempuanku
Di bawah temaram sinar merkuri
Bocah telanjang dada bermain bola
Oh . . . . . . . . . . pagi yang gelap
Kau sudutkan aku
Suara kaset dalam mobil aku matikan
Jendela kubuka
Angin pagi dan nyanyian sekelompok
Anak muda mengusik ingatanku
Aku ingat mimpiku
Aku ingat harapan yang semakin hari
Semakin panjang tak berujung
Perempuan setengah baya
Pelacur yang tertidur
Bocah-bocah bermain bola
Anak muda yang bernyanyi
Sebentar lagi ayam jantan kabarkan pagi
Hari-harimu menagih janji
Aku disini . . . . . . ya . . . aku disini
Ingat ibu istri dan anak- anaku