Easy Finder
Easy Finder (Chinese: 壹本便利) was a weekly Chinese tabloid magazine which was first published on 13 September 1991 in Hong Kong. Published by Next Media Limited which is owned by Jimmy Lai. It stopped publishing on 23 May 2007. Easy Finder was commonly known to participate in Yellow journalism (ex. hidden cameras, aggressive pursuit, harassment, etc.) in collecting story ideas.
Initially, Easy Finder was a free supplementary booklet of Next Magazine which mainly provides information on new products. There was a section of job vacancy ads (青雲路) and a section of classified ads. The name of the magazine gives hints that it is originally more an information guide than a normal magazine. It became a separate magazine in 1991. The target readership of Easy Finder are youth and students.
Apart from Easy Finder, two additional publications (Eat and Travel Weekly (飲食男女) and Trading Express/Auto Express) (交易通/搵車快線) are included free of charge. Those three booklets cover the latest trends, for instance, fashion, hot gossip, horoscopes, food, fitness, etc. The average net circulation per issue reached 118,720 (1 April – 30 June 2003) according to Hong Kong Audit Bureau of Circulations.