Eupen-Malmedy or Eupen-Malmédy, also known as the East Cantons (German: Ostkantone; French: Cantons de l'Est; Dutch: Oostkantons) within Belgium, is a geographical area and group of cantons in eastern Belgium. It is composed of the former Prussian districts (Kreise in German) of Malmedy and Eupen, together with the Neutral Moresnet. These territories were annexed to Belgium in 1920 by the Versailles Treaty.
Current administration
At the beginning of the 1920s, the municipalities composing these territories were regrouped into three districts: Eupen, Malmedy, and Sankt Vith. After Belgian municipality mergers in 1976-1977, the 11 municipalities sharing the territory of the East Cantons were regrouped to their current status as follows:
District of Eupen:
Eupen (Eupen and Kettenis)
Kelmis, in French La Calamine (Kelmis, Neu-Moresnet and Hergenrath)
Moresnet (Lontzen and Walhorn)
Raeren (Raeren, Eynatten and Hauset)
District of Sankt Vith:
Sankt Vith, in French Saint-Vith, (Sankt Vith, Crombach, Lommersweiler, Schönberg and Recht)