Earth–Minbari War
The Earth–Minbari War is a fictional war that formed a major part of the back story of the science fiction television series Babylon 5. The Earth–Minbari War began in 2245 when an EarthForce (Earth's military force) expeditionary fleet damaged and destroyed vessels of the Minbari Federation fleet, killing Dukhat (leader of the Minbari Grey Council). The Earth fleet's commander misinterpreted the Minbari warrior caste's tradition of approaching a ship with gun ports open as a hostile action and fired on the Minbari vessels. In response of this incident, the Minbari went on a genocidal crusade against Earth and all humans.
The war lasted for two years with Earth Alliance being almost totally outmatched by the Minbari and ended with the unexpected Minbari surrender at the Battle of the Line. The Minbari surrender occurred when they believed that the souls of dead Minbari were being reincarnated in humans and that they shared DNA with the human race. This revelation became part of the story arc of the show and the events of the war itself are depicted in the Babylon 5: In the Beginning TV Movie.