Edsige, also Eadsige, Eadsimus, or Eadsin (died 1050), was Archbishop of Canterbury, and crowned Edward the Confessor as king of England.
Eadsige was a royal priest for King Cnut before Cnut arranged for him to become a monk at Christ Church, Canterbury about 1030. About 1035, he served as a suffragan or coadjutor bishop to Archbishop Æthelnoth of Canterbury, with his see located at the church of St. Martin in Canterbury. He was translated to the Archbishopric of Canterbury in 1038 after Æthelnoth's death. In 1040, he journeyed to Rome to receive his pallium from Pope Benedict IX.
Eadsige may have crowned Harthacnut in 1040, but he definitely crowned Edward the Confessor on 3 April 1043 along with Ælfric Puttoc, the Archbishop of York. In 1044, Eadsige, wishing to withdraw from his see because of ill-health, appears to have approached King Edward and Godwin, Earl of Wessex, about temporarily consecrating Siward, abbot of Abingdon in Eadsige's place. This retirement lasted until 1048, when Siward became ill and returned to Abingdon to die within eight weeks. While he was archbishop, he also was sheriff of Kent.William of Malmesbury relates a story that Siward deprived Eadsige of food during Edsige's illness and because of this Siward was not allowed to succeed Eadsige, but had to settle for the see of Rochester instead. However this probably is a fabrication to account for the fact that Siward did not become archbishop after Eadsige, for William had confused Siward, the abbot, with a different Siward, this one Siward of Rochester, who was Bishop of Rochester from 1058 to 1075. The see of Worcester preserved a tradition that in about 1047 it was Eadsige, along with Lyfing the Bishop of Worcester, who forced Sweyn Godwinson to give up his wife who had been the abbess of Leominster Abbey before Sweyn abducted her.