Eadburh (Old English: Ēadburh), also spelled Eadburg, (fl. 787-802) was the daughter of King Offa of Mercia and Queen Cynethryth. She was the wife of King Beorhtric of Wessex, and according to Asser's Life of Alfred the Great she accidentally killed her husband by poison. She fled to Francia, where she is said to have been offered the chance of marrying Charlemagne, but ruined the opportunity. Instead she was appointed as the abbess of a convent. Here she is said to have fornicated with an English exile. As a result she was eventually expelled from the monastery and ended her days begging in the streets of Pavia.
Eadburh was the daughter of King Offa and his Queen, Cynethryth. She was one of five children, four of them girls, they all witnessed a charter in 787.
Eadburh married Beorhtric, king of Wessex from 787 to 802, in 789. Offa was then the most powerful king in England, and Beorhtric gained his support as a result of the marriage. According to Asser, Eadburh became all powerful, and often demanded the executions or exile of her enemies. She was also alleged to have assassinated those men whom she couldn't compel Beorhtric to kill through poisoning their food or drink. In 802, according to Asser, Eadburh attempted to poison a young favourite of the king but instead killed both of them. The young man may have been called Worr, as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the death of both men shortly before the succession of Egbert, the grandfather of Alfred the Great, as king of Wessex.
Desde que trabajas en La Ballesta
mi complejo de Edipo qué caro me cuesta.
Recuerdo mi infancia en un patio andaluz,
recuerdo mi barrio, recuerdo mi casa,
recuerdo a mi madre tendiendo sus bragas.
Recuerdo cuando el complejo de Edipo
y el incesto eran gratuítos;
ahora que trabajas en La Ballesta
mi mejor pasatiempo qué caro me cuesta.
Edipo rey, mamá putón,
te borré de mi foto de primera comunión.
Edipo rey, mamá putón.
Si llegaba tarde tú me esperabas
con traje de cuero y la luz apagada.
Vasito de leche, leche merengada,
tolón, tolón, qué mamá tan salada.
Aquellas meriendas que me preparabas,
bizcocho duro con mermelada.
Aquellas cenas a la luz de las velas,
el Don Perignon regaba la almeja.
Edipo rey, mamá putón,
te borré de mi foto de primera comunión.
Edipo rey, mamá putón.
Cuando mi querida mamá me enseñó
el culo del Diablo y la cara de Dios
pensé que me daba gratis su amor.
Y me cuesta una pasta ahora de mayor.
Primero una puta, ahora una madame.
Aquí donde las toman, también las dan.
Me voy a hacer chulo para recuperar
todo el dinero invertido en mamá.
Edipo rey, mamá putón,
te borré de mi foto de primera comunión.
Edipo rey, mamá putón.
Desde que trabajas en La Ballesta
mi complejo de Edipo qué caro me cuesta.