An enlisted rank (also known as an enlisted grade or enlisted rate) is, in some armed services, any rank below that of a commissioned officer. The term can be inclusive of non-commissioned officers or warrant officers, except in United States military usage where warrant officers/chief warrant officers are a separate officer category ranking above enlisted grades and below commissioned officer grades. In most cases, enlisted service personnel perform jobs specific to their own occupational specialty, as opposed to the more generalized command responsibilities of commissioned officers. The term "enlistment" refers solely to a military commitment (whether officer or enlisted) whereas the terms "taken of strength" and "struck off strength" refer to a servicemember being carried on a given unit's roll.
In the Canadian Forces, the term non-commissioned member (NCM) is used.
For the ranks used by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, non-commissioned ranks are coded OR1–OR9 (bottom to top), OR being an abbreviation for Other Ranks.
E5, E05 or E-5 may refer to: