The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is responsible for selecting staff to work for the Institutions and agencies of the European Union including the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Commission, the European Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European External Action Service, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman. Each Institution is then able to recruit staff from among the pool of candidates selected by EPSO. On average, EPSO receives around 60,000-70,000 applications a year with around 1,500-2,000 candidates recruited by the European Union institutions.
The selection of staff is based on a system of open competitions. They are organised by EPSO for permanent positions as career civil servants, and for a limited number of fixed term contracts in accordance with the Staff Regulations of the EU Institutions, on the basis of harmonised criteria. EPSO cannot consider any application or CV submitted outside the framework of an official competition or selection procedure.
Laughter from Esharra is convincing, but unclaimed.
The last of Ka drifts across the river
- Our sky outside has not been named.
Two Ugalla-demons start their battle
- Tempest of the creek is floored in flames.
Winds of Imhullu foretold their weather
- Sea-dwelling floods reply without names.
Taste the salty tides of the Apzu
- Alight seven tablets wearing steel of lame.
Laughter from Esharra is convincing, but unclaimed.
6000 years past away to let the Utu tribes
hear the lying words against Azzta's truth.
Ea's eye is the way...
We are the ones who know the mountain passes,
and we'll search the battlefields,
in order to find the essential weapons corroded within the tan dust.
Marduk, Anu, Ellil, and Ea watch us all to test our bold and drastic strength,
so Tiamat sneers with the hate and commands the storm-chariot of the horses.
Their teeth and heart carry poison to strike us down,
but cannot fill our veins with venom.
We warned you twice:
"We Command The Mushussu!"
"Sharp Of Tooth And Strike Of Fang!"
"Horned Serpent Of The Unclaimed!"
Make a path, fix the hour, and raise the seed
The dragon's semen is what you drink to be crowned by night
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, kiss me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, kiss me!"
With the billowing fog, the abyss speaks below
Your wings of force cannot warp you through the times
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, caress me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, caress me!"
In the ninth aeon, Esharra ceases the laughter
Then, Imhulla assembles the blazing cycllone
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, embrace me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, embrace me!"
Now you are spiritually drunk from the dragon's semen,
So set your arrow in the bow and coat it with the poison
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, clutch me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, clutch me!"