The ELM327 is a programmed microcontroller produced by ELM Electronics for translating the on-board diagnostics (OBD) interface found in most modern cars. The ELM327 command protocol is one of the most popular PC-to-OBD interface standards and is also implemented by other vendors.
The original ELM327 is implemented on the PIC18F2480 microcontroller from Microchip Technology.
ELM327 is one of a family of OBD translators from ELM Electronics. Other variants implement only a subset of the OBD protocols.
The ELM327 abstracts the low-level protocol and presents a simple interface that can be called via a UART, typically by a hand-held diagnostic tool or a computer program connected by USB, RS-232, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. New applications include smartphones.
There are a large number of programs available that connect to the ELM327.
The function of such software may include
Supplementary vehicle instrumentation
Reporting of error codes
Clearing error codes
Protocols supported by ELM327
The protocols supported by ELM327 are: