Tannic acid is a specific commercial form of tannin, a type of polyphenol. Its weak acidity (pKa around 10) is due to the numerous phenol groups in the structure. The chemical formula for commercial tannic acid is often given as C76H52O46, which corresponds with decagalloyl glucose, but in fact it is a mixture of polygalloyl glucoses or polygalloyl quinic acid esters with the number of galloyl moieties per molecule ranging from 2 up to 12 depending on the plant source used to extract the tannic acid. Commercial tannic acid is usually extracted from any of the following plant part: Tara pods (Caesalpinia spinosa), gallnuts from Rhus semialata or Quercus infectoria or Sicilian Sumac leaves (Rhus coriaria).
According to the definitions provided in external references such as international pharmacopoeia, Food Chemicals Codex and FAO-WHO tannic acid monograph only tannins sourced from the above mentioned plants can be considered as tannic acid. Sometimes extracts from chestnut or oak wood are also described as tannic acid but this is an incorrect use of the term. It is a yellow to light brown amorphous powder; 2850 grams dissolves in one litre of water (1.7 moles per liter).
[Verse 1]:
Livin' the life in the quick lane
Only the strong can survive
These streets'll swallow you up man
and eat you alive
Cain't be no poodle
Run tuck yo tail and hide
They'll spaghetti yo noodle man
Element of Surprise
It's goin' around man!
Death in the air
Better not be scared
Cause ay-henas can smell fear
It's not a lot of love but it's a whole lot of hate
Beware of your surroundings
They starving, they ain't
The lake of fire awaits for those with no souls
Hot like a stove
Hotter than hot coals
That's the thought processer of soil soldier
6's on the note and postholer, spinach and yola
I'm talking realer dope money this hustla making
I'm deep off in this game
Wherever money and I get to it (whatchu living?)
In the fast lane [x8]
[Verse 2]:
Looking up with greenbacks on your mind is a good sign
My name ringing like a high school bell, like a church chime
This ain't chameleon, but go get a glass of wine
Listen to me preach my rhyme, sit back and recline
I'm too real to be unreal to truthful to be fake
Daddy and mommy when they separate ways when I was eight
But it made me great, more stronger and God willing
A few years later, I'm worth a few million
Top billion, killin em with my independent grip
Got rid of my digital scale and started making hits
Flipping all kind of whips visits cutlass and Lexus's
Me and the Clickers St. Charles, God was blessing us
Successfulness, all praises due to Allah
Jesus Jehovah the most highest almighty God
Reverend Therman them other Therman I miss you much
I know you up in heaven watching over us
Get back and help people that's what they taught me to do
Can't save the world but I can help save a few
People talk behind my back laugh and smiled all in my face
Saying my voice was too squeaky and my style was a disgrace[Hook]