Obstructed labour, also known as labour dystocia, is when, even though the uterus is contracting normally, the baby does not exit the pelvis during childbirth due to being physically blocked. Complications for the baby include not getting enough oxygen which may result in death. It increases the risk of the mother getting an infection, having uterine rupture, or having post-partum bleeding. Long term complications for the mother include obstetrical fistula. Obstructed labour is said to result in prolonged labour, when the active phase of labour is longer than twelve hours.
The main causes of obstructed labour include: a large or abnormally positioned baby, a small pelvis, and problems with the birth canal. Abnormal positioning includes shoulder dystocia were the anterior shoulder does not pass easily below the pubic bone. Risk factors for a small pelvis include malnutrition and a lack of exposure to sunlight causing vitamin D deficiency. It is also more common in adolescence as the pelvis may not have finished growing. Problems with the birth canal include a narrow vagina and perineum which may be due to female genital mutilation or tumors. A partograph is often used to track labour progression and diagnose problems. This combined with physical examination may identify obstructed labour.
Every now and then - I wake up
In different rooms
Light a cigarette, strawberry
tea and sing the blues
Somehow I tend to leave behind
the tears and the truths
and just forget- that I
can't get over you
Every now and then it just all
remains the same
We try to move ahead but get held back
in the game, somehow now I'm livin'
in the past
I'm still with you, please don't forget
'Cause this ain't over yet
I'll be here changin' the moods
I'll straighten out my head'n all the foolish things I do
And I'll be here changin' the moods - yeah
Only 'cause I need the time, so I can get back to you
I'll be changin' the moods
Every now and then I seen to do nothing but wrong
I blame it on my pride yet that as such, is almost gone
Every day there's choices to be made
And memories are lingering, the future seems to fade
Somehow now I'm livin' in the past
I'm still with you, please don't forget
'Cause this ain't over yet