
Art, film, and literature

  • Drift (novel), a 2002 Doctor Who novel
  • Drift (film series), a series of Japanese films written and directed by Futoshi Jinno
  • Drift, 2007 experimental short film by Max Hattler
  • Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power, a book by MSNBC host Rachel Maddow
  • Drift (Transformers), a fictional character
  • Drift (2013 Australian film), an Australian film starring Sam Worthington
  • Drift (2013 Belgian film), a Belgian art house film
  • Dérive, French for "drift", and a psychogeographical term for a method of spontaneous exploration
  • Geography

  • Driftwood, wood that has been washed onto the shore or beach of a sea, lake, or river
  • Battle of Rorke's Drift, 1879 battle between British and Zulu forces
  • Drift, Cornwall, a village
  • Drift Reservoir, near Drift, Cornwall
  • Daventry International Railfreight Terminal (DIRFT), a rail-road intermodal freight terminal in Northamptonshire, England.
  • Velddrif, a town on the west coast Bergrivier Local Municipality
  • Drift, Kentucky
  • Industry

    Drift (linguistics)

    Two types of language change can be characterized as linguistic drift: a unidirectional short-term and cyclic long-term drift.

    Short-term unidirectional drift

    According to Sapir, drift is the unconscious change in natural language. He gives the example Whom did you see? which is grammatically correct but is generally replaced by Who did you see? Structural symmetry seems to have brought about the change: all other wh- words are monomorphic (consisting of only one morpheme). The drift of speech changes dialects and, in long terms, it generates new languages. Although it may appear these changes have no direction, in general they do. For example, in the English language, there was the Great Vowel Shift, a chain shift of long vowels first described and accounted for in terms of drift by Jespersen (1909–1949). Another example of drift is the tendency in English to eliminate the -er comparative formative and to replace it with the more analytic more. Thus, we now regularly hear more kind and more happy instead of the prescriptive kinder, happier. In English, it may be the competition of the -er agentive suffix which has brought about this drift, i.e. the eventual loss of the Germanic comparative system in favor of the newer system calqued on French. Moreover, the structural asymmetry of the comparative formation may be a cause of this change.

    Drift (telecommunication)

    In telecommunication, a drift is a comparatively long-term change in an attribute, value, or operational parameter of a system or equipment. The drift should be characterized, such as "diurnal frequency drift" and "output level drift." Drift is usually undesirable and unidirectional, but may be bidirectional, cyclic, or of such long-term duration and low excursion rate as to be negligible.

    Drift is also common in pseudo-synchronised streaming applications, such as low-latency audio streaming over TCP/IP. Normally both ends of a streaming connection would stay in-sync with a master clock but TCP/IP does not provide this 'master clock' mechanism. Therefore applications running fixed clocks will drift apart over time and glitches will occur. This is usually fixed by controlling jitter or drift, by slightly altering the clock speed at one end of the connection.



    See also

  • Clock drift

  • Podcasts:


    Tokyo drift

    by: Teriyaki Boyz

    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you seen it then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you seen it then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Hey rasshai omachidousama
    Kensou mamire konomachi no ensou dama
    Konomama ichido tuite oide
    Sekaijuu miryousuru hodoni goukana
    Japan, Ichiban
    Jump around saa uchirano deban
    Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be
    Mise ni aru harigami VIP
    Many many diamonds danglin'
    Back for the money we stranglin'
    Hate me, fry me, bake me, try me
    All the above ‘cause you can't get in
    I don't want no problem
    Because me professional
    Make you, shake you, ketsuatu, thank you
    Haters take it personal
    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you seen it then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Hai watashi Teriyaki Boyz
    Atto iuma fukitobasu noise
    Maishin shitemasu [in the ghetto?]
    Tou no kazu mo fuete masu
    Basic wa surprise da
    Maji mainichi ga abunai ze
    Ninja fuu kenjya fuu dakedo geisha
    [Incomprehensible] wasei karano shisha
    Should see me in the parking lot
    7-Eleven is the spot
    Mice with wings and shiny things
    And lions, tigers, bears, oh my ride
    We're furious and fast
    Supersonic like JJ Phat
    An' we rock ‘cause the wheels are fly
    Can't beat that with a baseball bat
    Kokusaiteki hanzai
    Far east coast
    Watashi no koisuto]
    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you seen it then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Ya ichiban manihichi dokidoki da
    Kitto island [incomprehensible] tobitobi da
    Moreru youshi de bochibochi ne
    Tamani [incomprehensible] kochikochi ne
    Kitto apple tourisou
    Maishuu subette norikomu
    Meccha kawarimon dattesa hou[Incomprehensible]
    It's gotta be the shoes, gotta be the furs
    That's why ladies choose me
    All up in the news ‘cause we so cute
    That's why we so huge
    Harajuku girls know how I feel
    They respect, I keeps it real
    Not a Chinaman ‘cause I ain't from China man
    I am Japan man
    (Watashi wa Tokyo suki)
    You see him come and go out of the black Benz SLR
    (Watashi no kuruma suteki)
    You wonder where he get that kind of money?
    (Atana mo Tokyo suki)
    Don't worry about it
    (Anata no kutuma suteki)
    Let's go
    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you seen it then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    I wonder if you know
    How they live in Tokyo
    If you seen it then you mean it
    Then you know you have to go
    Fast and furious
    Tick, tick, tick
    Fast and furious
