Dust consists of particles in the atmosphere that come from various sources such as soil, dust lifted by weather (an aeolian process), volcanic eruptions, and pollution. Dust in homes, offices, and other human environments contains small amounts of plant pollen, human and animal hairs, textile fibers, paper fibers, minerals from outdoor soil, human skin cells, burnt meteorite particles, and many other materials which may be found in the local environment.
House dust mites are present indoors wherever humans live. Positive tests for dust mite allergies are extremely common among people with asthma. Dust mites are microscopic arachnids whose primary food is dead human skin cells, but they do not live on living people. They and their faeces and other allergens they produce are major constituents of house dust, but because they are so heavy they are not suspended for long in the air. They are generally found on the floor and other surfaces until disturbed (by walking, for example). It could take somewhere between twenty minutes and two hours for dust mites to settle back down out of the air.
Dust is Benjy Davis Project's third studio album. It was released on September 18, 2007. Benjy Davis Project was soon signed to Rock Ridge Music in August 2008, and re-released Dust on November 4, 2008. The new release was remixed and included three new songs. The song "Sweet Southern Moon" was featured in an advertisement campaign for Louisiana-based Abita Brewing Company.
All songs were composed by Benjy Davis, except as noted.
Toz (means "dust" in Turkish) is a Turkish short film. It gained a number of awards at various film festivals in the category of short films.
The film is a series of microepisodes that portray elements of an imperfect relationship of a couple: abuse, control, incomprehension, acceptance.
Alder is the common name of a genus of flowering plants (Alnus) belonging to the birch family Betulaceae. The genus comprises about 35species of monoecious trees and shrubs, a few reaching a large size, distributed throughout the north temperate zone with a few species extending into Central America, as well as the northern and southern Andes.
The common name alder evolved from Old English alor, which in turn is derived from Proto-Germanic rootaliso. The generic name Alnus is the equivalent Latin name. Both the Latin and the Germanic words derive from the Proto-Indo-European root el-, meaning "red" or "brown", which is also a root for the English words elk and another tree: elm, a tree distantly related to the alders.
With a few exceptions, alders are deciduous, and the leaves are alternate, simple, and serrated. The flowers are catkins with elongate male catkins on the same plant as shorter female catkins, often before leaves appear; they are mainly wind-pollinated, but also visited by bees to a small extent. These trees differ from the birches (Betula, the other genus in the family) in that the female catkins are woody and do not disintegrate at maturity, opening to release the seeds in a similar manner to many conifer cones.
Alder is the common name of Alnus, a genus of shrubs and small trees. It may also refer to:
Alder is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: