The Durance (Durença in Occitan or Durènço in Mistralian) is a major river in south-eastern France.
Its source is in the south-western Alps, in Montgenèvre ski resort near Briançon and it flows south-west through the following départements and cities:
The Durance's main tributaries are the Bléone and Verdon rivers. The Durance itself is a tributary of the Rhône River and flows into the Rhône near Avignon. The Durance is the second longest (after the Saône) of the tributaries of the Rhône and the third largest in terms of its flow (after the Saône and Isère).
The Durance is documented in Ancient Greek as drouentios potamos and in Latin as Druentia (1st century), Durantia (854, 1271) and Durentia (1127). The traditional forms are probably derivatives of *Dūrantia, based on the Celtic "dour" (water) and suffix "ant" (stream). The Latin form drou ("hard") changed into the Old French "dur". Similar names are found in the names of many rivers in the Western Alps: Dora in Italy, Dranse in Haute-Savoie, and the Drôme in south-eastern France. All these rivers have their sources in mountains, and are fast-running.
Durance is a science fiction role-playing game by Jason Morningstar, independently published by Bully Pulpit Games who also released Fiasco. The game was a 2011 entry on the annual Game Chef game design competition and went on to raise $27,458 (639 backers) of its $5000 goal on kickstarter in June 2012.
Durance is a narrative style game for 3-5 players, played without preparation or a Game Master (GM) as is often the tradition in roleplaying games. Each player takes his or her turn coming up with a question to be resolved in a scene and the other players work out who should be part of the scene and then plays out that scene according to some very simple guidelines. The setting takes place on a distant colony with convicts working under the oversight of a governor and his or her marines. Society and power is split between the criminal society and those working for the government, named Authority. Each side depends on the other and the balance of power may shift in either direction, but since every player has one character on each side of the divide this is meant to create conflict and an interesting setting rather than player competition. This is depicted as a split triangle with the Governor at the top on the Authority side, and the Dimber Damber on the convict side. There are a total of five rungs on the ladder on each side, and the players must pick characters from different rungs and sides, with the rest being filled with minor character that may be taken over if a player's character dies.
The ARA Patagonia (B-1) is a multi-product replenishment oiler of the Durance class in service in the Argentine Navy. She was the lead ship of her class serving in the French Navy as Durance (A629) from 1977 to 1999.
She is capable of supplying other ships with both RAS (Replenishment at Sea) and VERTREP (VERTical REPlenishment) methods.
Durance was launched on 6 September 1975 at Brest, France as a Pétrolier Revitailleur d´Escadre (PRE) entering service on 12 April 1977. She was decommissioned on 5 December 1997 and sold to the Argentine Navy on 12 July 1999.
Renamed ARA Patagonia she arrived at Puerto Belgrano on 29 August 1999 where she spent one year in drydock receiving an overhaul of her engines and hull. She was officially commissioned as the B-1 (LPGA) into the Amphibious and Logistic Naval Command (COAL) of the fleet on 9 July 2000 and made her first voyage on the following month.
Since then she has participated in numerous exercises and operations within the fleet and foreign navies including Pre-Unitas, UNITAS picture, Gringo-Gaucho, Atlasur, PASSEX, Gosth, and Fraterno with the United States, Chile, Brazil and Spain among others.
Vile may refer to:
Vile is a British surname which may refer to:
The origin of the name is most likely from Danish a village or coastal area of Denmark that still exists today and named after the Norse pagan god Vile (Vili) the brother of Oden who created the earth with their brother Vi.
Vile is an American death metal band, formed in 1996 in Concord, California by guitarist-producer Colin E. Davis (who is now the only original member in the line-up) and singer Juan Urteaga, recruiting the rest of the band from the ranks of disbanded groups such as Lords of Chaos, Entropy, Sporadic Psychosis and Thanatopsis. Vile toured the United States and Europe several times since their inception in 1996 including with Cannibal Corpse in 2004. Their most recent tour was of Japan in December 2013.
The band has released four studio albums between 1999 and 2011 and re-released their demos and some live material on Rare Tracks, distributed by Hammerheart Records. The band started recording of the fourth album Metamorphosis on January 25, 2009, which was released in late 2011 by Willowtip Records in North America and Hammerheart Records in Europe.
Vile found publicity in the late 90's when members of the band Cannibal Corpse praised their sound and wore their T shirts in publicity photos. Although Vile's sound has a wide variety of influences, their first album contained riffs clearly influenced by Cannibal Corpse and the name Vile itself is the title of an album by Cannibal Corpse. Founding member Davis has stated that these relations were unintentional and his biggest early influence was the Florida band Morbid Angel. Vile is known for high standards in musicianship and studio quality, and Davis produced and recorded their albums, sometimes in coordination with singer Juan Urteaga.
The dying's clothing alive and in motion with vermin all
chained together no need
For a warden disease chokes and deprives air resting in
puddles of infectious pus
Unstoppable shaking consumes the mind and body staring
into the faces if the dead
As they are drug around the room flaying off strips of
skin and placing it on them