Duna (English: Duna Channel, formerly: Duna Televízió) is one of public television channels in Hungary. "Duna" is the Hungarian name for the Danube. Duna is the national main channel of the public media MTVA since 15 March 2015.
Duna TV is managed and primarily funded by the Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund (Hungarian: Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és Vagyonkezelő Alap, abbreviated MTVA). This government organization, formed in 2011, also manages the public service broadcasters Magyar Televízió and Magyar Rádió as well as the Hungarian news agency Magyar Távirati Iroda.
On 1 July 2015, Duna TV as well as the three other public media organizations managed by the MTVA were merged into a single organization called Duna Media Service (Hungarian: Duna Médiaszolgáltató). This organization is the legal successor to Duna TV and is an active member of the European Broadcasting Union.
Duna TV went on the air in December 1992 as the first Hungarian TV station to broadcast over satellite. Its mission is to create and broadcast programming for and news about Hungarian minority communities beyond Hungary's borders in order to help maintain their national/ethnic identity. A few years later, Duna TV became the first Hungarian station to broadcast 24 hours a day. In 2004, Duna TV began to broadcast in North America, South America and Australia. In 2006, Duna TV started its Channel II (Autonomy TV, today Duna World).
Things move so fast and I can't stop them
Things move so fast and I can't stop them from moving
There's building swaying in the wind
Would you believe, it was just from passing them by
Things are moving so fast
So I keep on moving, and moving on
You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep up
Keep on moving on
You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep on
Keep on moving on
I'm so lost inside my head
There's so many thoughts to contemplate
so many ways to move
And I don't know what to do with myself sometimes
So, I start reading the lines on my hands
And then I remember that fate is just a bullshit excuse for failure
Keep thinking you've got time
But there's not enough of it to spend to those you owe
And when they call collect
You still won't get the world to slow down
Things are moving so fast
So fast
So I keep on moving, and moving on
You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep up
Keep on moving on
You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep on
Keep on moving on
Keep treading; keep Moving on
Because time will fight against you
Because time will fight hard against you; work against you