Babylon 5 character
File:B5 dukhat2.jpg
First appearance

In the Beginning (chronological),

Atonement (airdate)
Last appearance

Atonement (chronological),

In the Beginning (airdate)
Portrayed by Reiner Schöne
Species Minbari
Home planet Minbar
Affiliated with Minbari Federation

Dukhat is a fictional character from the universe of the science fiction television series Babylon 5, portrayed by Reiner Schöne. He was first mentioned in the episode "Soul Hunter". His only appearances were in the movie In the Beginning and in the episode Atonement as flashbacks.

Character description [link]

Dukhat was the leader of the Minbari Grey Council when he was first introduced in the film In the Beginning. The Minbari considered him one of their greatest leaders, second only to the legendary Valen. In The Beginning reveals Dukhat as Delenn's mentor, and her eventual sponsor into the Grey Council, even though Dukhat belonged to the Warrior Caste and Delenn to the Religious Caste.

Dukhat's administration of the Council was marked by growing fears of the reemergence of the ancient enemy of the Minbari, The Shadows. Many in the Gray Council refused to consider the possibility of the Shadows' return. In defiance, Dukhat ordered that the Council travel directly to the planet Z'ha'dum to investigate the rumors more closely. It was on this voyage that the Minbari first encountered humans.

This first contact ended disastrously for both sides. The Minbari Warrior Caste soldiers who crewed the Council's flagship approached the Earth fleet with open gunports, a traditional gesture of respect. Realizing that humans would have no knowledge of this tradition, Dukhat ordered the gunports closed, but it was too late. The humans, believing that the Minbari were about to attack (the commander of the human fleet was known to handle first contact missions rather badly), misinterpreted the gesture and opened fire. Dukhat was killed in the exchange, his death witnessed only by a grieving Delenn, whom Dukhat had trained. Delenn swore vengeance against the humans who had killed her master, and cast the deciding Council vote that began the Earth-Minbari War.

In The Beginning also revealed that Dukhat had secret Vorlon advisors when Vorlons had not openly contacted the Minbari for a long time.

Dukhat's facial hair indicates that, like Delenn, he is a descendant of Valen; most Minbari do not have any hair, and the gene for hair comes from Valen's DNA.





by: Dogwood

Everything I've ever done
And everything I have
Amounts to nothing
Keeps on crushing you within
Sometimes you want to be alone
It won't find the time to understand
And concentrate on everything you see
If you think about it hard you'll know
