Dueling Network
Dueling Network (commonly abbreviated as DN) is an online, unofficial Flash-based simulation of Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. It was created by Christopher Salvarani on 3 March 2006 and officially released on 17 May 2011. Since then, its popularity has grown quickly and has since gained more than four million registered users. The site is run by in-game volunteer administrators and moderators. Currently, its server allows for 9100 players to be online at the same time.
Dueling Network started on 8 May 2011 and officially released on 17 May 2011. The site's popularity grew fast since then, and as of 2013, has acquired more than three million registered users. The site provides users with various in-game messaging systems. From the main menu, players can access the Duel Room, construct Decks, check players' rankings and profiles, edit their own profiles and change their account passwords. The game is intended to be a simulation of the real-life card game, and as such, is set to be played manually with little in-game automation and follows official Konami policy as close as possible.