
Lionel is a given name which may refer to the following:


  • Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence (1338-1368), son of King Edward III of England
  • Lionel Antoine (born 1950), American retired National Football League player
  • Lionel Barber, English journalist
  • Lionel Barrymore, American actor
  • Lionel Bart, British composer
  • Lionel Bender (linguist) (1934–2008), American author and linguist
  • Lionel Blair, British dancer and actor
  • Lionel Bowen (1922–2012), Australian politician
  • Lionel Cohen (disambiguation), various people
  • Lionel Cox (disambiguation), various people
  • Lionel Herbert Clarke (1859–1921), Canadian businessman and Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
  • Lionel Cranfield (disambiguation), various people
  • Lionel Cust (1859–1929), British art historian, courtier and museum director
  • Lionel Henry Daiches (1911-1999) Scottish Queen's Counsel
  • Lionel Dunsterville (1865-1946), British general
  • Lionel Hampton (1908-2002), American jazz musician, bandleader and actor
  • Lionel Jeffries (1926-2010), English actor, screenwriter and director
  • Lionel convention

    Lionel is a contract bridge bidding convention used in defense against an opposing 1NT openings. Using Lionel, over a 1NT opening of the opponents:

  • a double is conventional and denotes spades and a lower suit (4-4 or longer),
  • a 2/2 overcall denotes hearts and the suit bid (4-4 or longer), and
  • a 2/2 overcalls is natural.
  • Any of the overcalls denote high-card strength corresponding to 12+ (or good 11) high card points.

    The convention is named after Lionel Wright from New Zealand who published it in the International Popular Bridge Monthly magazine of May 1993.


    Following the Lionel double, the partner of the double responds as follows:

    (1NT) - dbl - (pass) - ??

    After a minor suit Lionel overcall, the responses are straightforward. For instance:

    (1NT) - 2 - (pass) - ??


    Like using Brozel, CoCa or DONT, using Lionel has the consequence of losing the penalty double over opponent's 1NT. Although this is often seen as a loss, Lionel Wright argued that this loss turns into an advantage as it opens the possibility to defend 1NT doubled with split points between you and your partner. As a balanced holding of the majority of points is far more likely to occur than holding the majority of points in an imbalanced way, a conventional non-penalty double over 1NT holds the potential of paying-off on many hands. Also, non-penalty doubles are more difficult to deal with than traditional business doubles.

    Lionel (disambiguation)

    Lionel is a masculine given name. It may also refer to:

  • Lionel Corporation, an American manufacturer and retailer of toy trains and model railroads
  • Lionel, LLC, an American designer and importer of toy trains and model railroads, owns the trademarks and most of the product rights associated with Lionel Corp., but is not directly related
  • Lionel, Lewis, a village in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland
  • Lionel Town, Jamaica, a settlement
  • Lionel (bridge), a defense in the game of bridge
  • Podcasts:
