Duality may refer to:
Duality is a Star Wars fan film created by Mark Thomas and Dave Macomber that made its debut on the internet on February 10, 2001. It is one of the first fan films to exclusively use bluescreen footage composited onto virtual backgrounds.
Sith apprentice Lord Rive (Macomber), is tasked by his master, Darth Oz (Thomas), to battle another apprentice, Darth Blight (Muraoka), as a final test determining who would serve by Oz’s side. The two would-be Sith clash violently with their double-bladed lightsabers while Oz watches via hologram. After a long and vicious lightsaber duel, Rive's weapon is severed in two and Blight loses his saber. A quick brawl later and the two engage in a final bout with the two halves of Rive's saber. It ends with Rive impaled and Blight bisected through the waist. After they die, Darth Oz appears in the flesh. Consumed with fury and wrath at his failure to procure a permanent apprentice, he electrocutes the bodies of the two failed apprentices with Force Lightning.
In geometry a striking feature of projective planes is the symmetry of the roles played by points and lines in the definitions and theorems, and (plane) duality is the formalization of this concept. There are two approaches to the subject of duality, one through language (§ Principle of Duality) and the other a more functional approach through special mappings. These are completely equivalent and either treatment has as its starting point the axiomatic version of the geometries under consideration. In the functional approach there is a map between related geometries that is called a duality. Such a map can be constructed in many ways. The concept of plane duality readily extends to space duality and beyond that to duality in any finite-dimensional projective geometry.
A projective plane C may be defined axiomatically as an incidence structure, in terms of a set P of points, a set L of lines, and an incidence relation I that determines which points lie on which lines. These sets can be used to define a plane dual structure.
I’m in my car, on the way to a gig
I’ve lost the way, now don’t panic
I see a man, he’s chacho shavo
Tell me the way?
Go, samo pravo
I am coming, hope you can hear me
I’m on the wrong way
I need somebody to show me the way
Again a chavo
Tell me the way?
Go, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
If you ask any chavo, he will tell you, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
If you ask any chavo, he will tell you, samo pravo
Any chavo, straight ahead
I’m in my car, on the way to a gig
I’ve lost the way, now don’t panic
I see a man, he’s chacho shavo
Tell me the way?
Go, samo pravo
I am coming, hope you can hear me
I’m on the wrong way
I need somebody to show me the way
Again a chavo
Tell me the way?
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
If you ask any chavo, he will tell you, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
If you ask any chavo, he will tell you, samo pravo
Where the hell, was it left?
Who the hell, was it right?
What the hell, was it left?
I ask myself, saying it again
Where the hell, was it left?
Who the hell, was it right?
What the hell, was it left?
“They go straight ahead”
Far away, on the highway, I ask myself, “What did he say?
Was it right or was it left?”
“No”, they keep saying it again
Turn right, straight ahead
Turn left, straight ahead
Just turn right
Just turn left
Just turn, turn back
I’m in my car, on the way to a gig
I’ve lost the way, now don’t panic
I see a man, he’s chacho shavo
Tell me the way?
Go, samo pravo
I am coming, hope you can hear me
I’m on the wrong way
I need somebody to show me the way
Again a chavo
Tell me the way?
Was it right?
Go, samo pravo
Was it left?
Go, samo pravo
Was it right?
Go, samo pravo
They go straight ahead
Was it right?
Turn right
Was it left?
Turn left
Was it right?
Just turn
Just turn, turn back
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
If you ask any chavo, he will tell you, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
Straight ahead, samo pravo
If you ask any chavo, he will tell you, samo pravo
Straight ahead
Straight ahead
Straight ahead, go straight ahead
Straight ahead, turn left
Straight ahead, turn right
Straight ahead, just turn
Just turn, turn back