In Greek mythology, Dryope (/ˈdraɪ.əpiː/; Greek: Δρυόπη) is the name attributed to several distinct figures.
The most prominent Dryope was the daughter of Dryops, king of Oeta ("oak-man") or of Eurytus (and hence half-sister to Iole). She was sometimes thought of as one of the Pleiades (and hence a nymph). There are two stories of her metamorphosis into a black poplar. According to the first, Apollo seduced her by a trick. Dryope had been accustomed to play with the hamadryads of the woods on Mount Oeta. Apollo chased her, and in order to win her favours turned himself into a tortoise, of which the girls made a pet. When Dryope had the tortoise on her lap, he turned into a snake. She tried to flee, but he coiled around her legs and held her arms tightly against her sides as he raped her. The nymphs then abandoned her, and she eventually gave birth to her son Amphissus. She married Andraemon. Amphissus eventually built a temple to his father Apollo in the city of Oeta, which he founded. Here the nymphs came to converse with Dryope, who had become a priestess of the temple, but one day Apollo again returned in the form of a serpent and coiled around her while she stood by a spring. This time Dryope was turned into a poplar tree.
Dryope is a genus of flies from the family Dryomyzidae. There are 3 known species.
I'm trying to walk up the stairs
My hands are snatchin' at the slivers of light
I'm stickin' to the steps
Each one a release
From the place below
I'm on a mission
On the hunt for clean
Clear vapour skies
'Cos I'm choking on my own
I need some air
The dark skies behind me
Begging you to scrape off, your disco paint
It's open to the night
And I'm sick as a hospital
And empty factories
You look so tiny, so very unimportant
I'm nearly there, and everything feels fine
Don't wanna look behind me
Don't wanna look beneath me
Every movement
Every vibration
Every movement
Every vibration
High above piss city
Watch the pigs-ear people
All dead in their drows
Some suffer in silence
Someone sparks
Some gorge sucking on silicone
I've got the urge to jump
Watch life whizz by
Fast foward flash
But hold on boy
I feel... alive
Don't wanna look behind me
Don't wanna look beneath me
Every movement
Every vibration
Every movement
Every vibration
Don't wanna look behind me
Don't wanna look beneath me
Every movement
Every vibration
Every movement
Every vibration
Don't wanna look behind me
Don't wanna look beneath me
Every movement
Every vibration
Every movement