Droving is the practice of moving livestock over long distances by walking them "on the hoof".
Droving stock to market, usually on foot and often with the aid of dogs, has a very long history in the Old World. There has been droving since cities found it necessary to source food from distant supplies. Romans are said to have had drovers and their flocks following their armies to feed their soldiers.
An individual owner of livestock cannot both take stock to market and care for other animals while they make a long journey. So the owner must entrust his stock to an agent, a drover, who will deliver the stock to market and bring back the proceeds. Drovers took their herds and flocks down traditional routes with organised sites for overnight shelter and fodder for men and for animals.
The journey might last from a few days to months. The animals had to be driven so they would be in good condition on arrival. There would have to be prior agreement for payment for stock lost or animals born on the journey and the proceeds of any sales on the way for such as milk and cream. Until provincial banking developed a drover returning to base must be carrying substantial sums of money. Being in a position of great trust the drover might carry to the market town money to be banked and important letters and take with them people not familiar with the road.
I will be here when you need me by your side
I will be here once the thrill is gone
I will be here when everything is just right
I will be here after you move on
I'm a rock in the ocean
And you, you are the tide
You know I am going nowhere
I'm just waiting here for the water to rise
I don't know how the story ends
And I don't want to know, so if you do
Don't tell me
Let's pretend we write it as we go
Promises are so hard to keep
We say things we don't mean