Drake's Cakes is an American baking company that produces a line of snack cakes. It was founded by Newman E. Drake in 1896 and is now owned by McKee Foods.
In 1888, Drake developed a pound cake recipe after visiting an English bakery. Several years later, in 1896, Drake established his company in Brooklyn as Drake Brothers, with a commercial bakery located at 1006 Wallabout Market in Brooklyn. The company's "Drake’s Cakes" sold pound cake by the slice. As the company expanded, it was renamed Drake Bakeries, Inc. and built a factory facility at 77 Clinton Avenue, on the border of the Fort Greene and Clinton Hill neighborhoods of Brooklyn. Drake Bakeries was one of the few snack cake companies to be produced under kosher guidelines, not using lard or tallow which are prohibited under kosher food laws.
In the 1960s, the Drake's brand—which involved familiar products including Devil Dogs, Funny Bones, Ring Dings, Sunny Doodles, Yankee Doodles, Yodels, and its trademark round coffee cake—was purchased by large food manufacturing companies. It was first owned by Borden until 1987, when it was sold to Ralston Purina, whose operations were overseen by Ralston Purina's ITT Continental Baking Company. In 1991, it was sold to Culinar, and later Interstate Bakeries Corporation which acquired Hostess Brands and Wonder Bread. Hostess filed for bankruptcy liquidation in 2012 and shuttered its plants. On 28 January 2013, McKee Foods of Collegedale, Tennessee (makers of Little Debbie snack cakes) was the lead bidder for the Drake's brand and equipment, and on March 14th, the bid was presented for approval to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court as no other qualified bids were received for those assets.