Dr. Rock

Cleophus "Dr. Rock" Turner began his career as one of the original Disc jockeys, self dubbed, "the only pop-locking DJ in L.A.", in Lonzo's Wreckin' Cru during the early '80s. This group included Andre "Dr. Dre" Young, who would later achieve fame as both a rapper and a producer in the group NWA and later in his solo career. When the crew made the transition from being a mobile DJ group to recording and performing music, Turner left the group and relocated to Dallas, Texas.

Once in Dallas, Turner took local listeners by storm by being the first DJ in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to feature turntablism (Mixing, Scratching, Rotations, etc.) as part of his regular mix shows which aired every Friday and Saturday nights on radio station 107.5 FM KNOK beginning in 1984, later being lured away to competitor K104. Turner also had DJ stints in clubs and skating rinks in Dallas including the Twlight Skating Rink in Pleasant Grove, the Shamrock Skating Rink in Lancaster and Club Countach in Garland.

Dr Rock

Dr Rock may refer to:

  • Charles White (Dr Rock) (born 1942), Irish-born BBC Radio and TV presenter
  • Dr. Rock, American DJ and rapper
  • Daniel Rock (1799–1871), English Roman Catholic priest, ecciesiologist and antiquarian
  • Stephen Rock, American professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Podcasts:


    DR. ROCK

    by: Dr. Sin

    All right, all right
    I hope you son of bitches see the light
    You again, you again
    I know you've got a mental age of ten
    Listen up, listen up
    I wouldn't swap you for a thousand bucks
    Come on, you're the one
    I think I'm going to switch your lazer on
    I've got the medicine you need
    I've got the power, I've got the speed
    I'll find out how to stop your clock
    We sure ain't talking Doctor Spock
    Hear me talking, Doctor Rock.
    Lie down, turn around
    Here come the sister gonna strip you down
    Shut up, breathe in
    Lets have the address of your next of kin
    Chin up, shoulders back
    You've got a body like a Marshall stack
    Keep still, take your pill
    Or I'm gonna make you really ill.
    I've got the medicine you need
    I've got the power, I've got the speed
    I'll find out how to stop your clock
    We sure ain't talking Doctor Spock
    Hear me talking, Doctor Rock.
    Next please, next please
    Try to separate those cowardly knees
    X-ray, you've gotta pay
    The only chance you've ever got of getting away
    Here we are, what's that scar
    I don't like anything I've seen so far
    Pay me, pay me
    I ain't no doctor of philosophy
    I've got the medicine you need
    I've got the power, I've got the speed
    I'll find out how to stop your clock
    We sure ain't talking Doctor Spock
