Double Falcon
Double Falcon (also possibly Dju and Nebwy) was a Predynastic pharaoh of Lower Egypt belonging to Dynasty 0. He may have reigned during the 32nd century BCE. The length of his reign is unknown.
It was in 1910 that egyptologist M. J. Clédat discovered the first evidence for king Double Falcon. Clédat was excavating the site of el-Mehemdiah in the north-eastern delta when a peasant brought him a jar and some incised fragments that he had uncovered during the planting of a palm-grove in nearby el-Beda. Investigating the site, Clédat soon discovered four serekhs of king Double Falcon.
The next attestation of Double Falcon was discovered in 1912 during excavations by Hermann Junker on the site of Tura, where a tomb yielded a complete jar bearing a serekh topped by two falcons.
More recently, serekhs of king Double Falcon have been found in the Sinai, in Tell Ibrahim Awad in the eastern delta, in Adaima and Abydos in Upper Egypt, and in the Palmahim quarry in southern Israel.