Dory (spear)
The Dory or Doru (; Greek: δόρυ) is a spear that was the chief armament of hoplites (heavy infantry) in Ancient Greece. The word "dory" was first attested by Homer with the meanings of "wood" and "spear". Homeric heroes hold two dorata (Il. 11,43, Od. 1, 256). In the Homeric epics and in the classical period the dory was a symbol of military power, possibly more important than the sword, as can be deducted from expressions like "Troy conquered by dory" (Il. 16,708) and words like "doryktetos" (spear-won) and "doryalotos" (spear-taken).
The dory was about three metres in length (ten feet) and had a handle with a diameter of 5 cm (two inches) made of wood, either cornel or ash weighing 1 to 2 kg. The flat leaf-shaped spearhead was composed of iron and its weight was counterbalanced by a bronze butt-spike. (cf Sarissa)
The rear of the spear was capped with a spike called a sauroter, Greek for "lizard killer". This spike had several uses. It could be used to stand the spear up or used as a secondary weapon if the spearhead was broken off. If the shaft of the dory was broken or if the iron point was lost, the remaining portion could still function. Though its combat range would be reduced, the dory's complete length would have lessened the chance of a single break rendering it ineffective. Additionally, any enemies that had fallen could be dispatched by the warriors marching over them in the back ranks of the phalanx who were holding their spears in a vertical position.