Dongeradeel ( pronunciation , West Frisian: Dongeradiel) is a municipality in the northern Netherlands.
Dongeradeel was created in 1984 from the merging of the old municipalities Westdongeradeel, Oostdongeradeel, and Dokkum. The new municipality is still colloquially referred to in the plural, "de Dongeradelen".
Aalsum, Anjum, Bornwird, Brantgum, Dokkum, Ee, Engwierum, Foudgum, Hantum, Hantumeruitburen, Hantumhuizen, Hiaure, Holwerd, Jouswier, Lioessens, Metslawier, Moddergat, Morra, Nes, Niawier, Oosternijkerk, Oostrum, Paesens, Raard, Ternaard, Waaxens, Wetsens, Wierum.
Dutch Topographic map of the municipality of Dongeradeel, June 2015.
Dungaree doll, Dungaree doll, paint your initials on my jeans So everyone in town will know we go around together, together, together Dungaree doll, Dungaree doll, paste my picture on your sleeve so everyone can see that you belong to me, forever, forever, forever I want you to wear my orange sweater The beat up sweater with the high school letter Gonna make a chain of paperclips And chain us together while I kiss your lips Dungaree doll, Dungaree doll promise me you never will fall For any other guy, tell me you are my Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Doll Dungaree doll, Dungaree doll, paste my picture on your sleeve so everyone can see that you belong to me, forever, forever, forever I want you to wear my orange sweater The beat up sweater with the high school letter Gonna make a chain of paperclips And chain us together while I kiss your lips Dungaree doll, Dungaree doll promise me you never will fall For any other guy, tell me you are my Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Doll Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Dungaree, Doll