Donatism (Latin: Donatismus, Greek: Δονατισμός Donatismos) was a Christian sect within the Roman province of Africa that flourished in the fourth and fifth centuries among Berber Christians. Donatism had its roots in the social pressures among the long-established Christian community of Roman North Africa (present-day Berber countries Algeria and Tunisia), during the persecutions of Christians under Diocletian. The Donatists (named for the Berber Christian bishop Donatus Magnus) were members of an offshoot church which did not follow the same doctrine as some other churches of the rest of Early Christianity in Late Antiquity.
Donatism was an indirect outcome of Diocletian's persecutions. The governor of Africa had been lenient towards the large Christian minority under his rule during the persecutions. He was satisfied when Christians handed over their Scriptures as a token repudiation of their faith. Some Christians acceded to this convenient action. When the persecutions came to an end, however, they were branded traditores, "those who handed (the holy things) over" by their critics, mostly from the poorer classes.
A donde estabas tu?
cuando las noches eran largas
y tu recuerdo asesinaba
a sangre fria mis pensamientos
A donde estabas tu?
cuando en mi llanto navegaba
cuando mi cuerpo extranaba
una caricia de tus manos
y mis ansias con locura te buscaban
A donde estabas tu?
cuando caminaba sobre los escombros
de esa vida asfixiante
que con tu adios me heredaste
A donde estabas tu?
cuando el mundo entero dio la espalda
cuando mi cielo era obscuro
y las estrellas no brillaban
y hasta la vida estaba en contra
dime a donde estabas tu?
Asi que hoy no me culpes
por haberme refugiado en otros brazos
por levantar de las cenizas
lo que tu adios hizo pedazos
Asi que hoy no me culpes
por ponerle una cruz a tu recuerdo
por remendarme las heridas
con el rencor que aun por ti siento
no quieras desenterrar
lo que hace tanto tiempo
tu misma diste por muerto