Don Perrin (born 1 October 1964) is a Canadian writer and former military officer.
Born in Iserlohn, Germany, Perrin grew up in Kingston, ON, Canada, McMasterville, QC, Canada, Bromley, Kent, England, and Ottawa, ON, Canada. Perrin served in the Canadian Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, in the Canadian Department of National Defence. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics from the Royal Military College of Canada in 1987.
Don Perrin is Vice President of Operations with Mag Force 7, Inc. He wrote a series of novels in the Mag Force 7 series, with the first hitting the shelf in April 1995. He has two successful collectible game designs to his credit with Star of the Guardians Collectible Trading Card Game and Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game. Perrin has also designed role playing products for Imperium Games's Traveller RPG Universe. For Imperium's fourth edition of Traveller (also called Marc Miller's Traveller or T4) published in 1996, the designers worked on distinct parts of the rules, with Perrin writing about starships. Perrin then worked on the game Zero (1997) for Archangel Entertainment. Perrin is also a contributor to the Dragonlance novel series.
The day they found a cure for AIDS
The day they found a cure for AIDS
Everybody took one little pill and was okay
The day thay found a cure
The day they found a cure for AIDS
Everybody took one little pill and was okay
I slept with Cindy and Martha and Sue
I slept with Julie, Melissa and Kate
The day thay found a cure
The day they found a cure for AIDS
Everybody took one little pill and was okay
The people who had plotted to get rid of all the gays
Admitted their guilt and everything was fine
Everybody else said, I din't know
The day they found a cure
For 6 months, no one went to work, they all had orgies
Morning after pills were sold in grocery stores and gas stations
The day they found a cure for AIDS
Everybody took one little pill and was okay
We rented dirty movies and ordered out for food
For 3 solid weeks everyone I met was nude
I slept with Julie, Melissa and Jake
Nobody was afraid
The day they found a cure
The day they found a cure