Domentzia was a name shared by the mother of the Byzantine emperor Phocas (r. 602–610), and a daughter of the same emperor, likely named after her paternal grandmother.
The mother is only named by John of Antioch, who renders her name in Greek as "Dysmenziane" (Δυσμενζιανή). All other occurrences of the name refer to the daughter. The more familiar form "Domentzia" (Δομεντζία) is given by Theophanes the Confessor. Anastasius Bibliothecarius, who translated the work of Theophanes to Latin, renders the name "Domnentzia". The later historian Joannes Zonaras gives the name as "Domnentia" (Δομνεντία), while Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos gives her name as "Dysmenziane", indicating that both women used the same name.
Phocas and his family were likely of Thraco-Roman origin. The husband of the elder Domentzia is unknown.She had three known sons: Phocas, Comentiolus and Domentziolus. The latter seems to have been magister officiorum by 610. A grandson, also named Domentziolus, was granted the title of curopalates on the ascension of Phocas to the throne in 602.
Church bells may ring
And surely darling the angels will sing
I'll tell you darling you're the queen of my throne
You should have known, sweetheart, sweetheart
Church bells may ring
Then surely darling the angels will sing
I'll tell you, darling you're the queen of my throne
You should have known, sweetheart, ring them bells
Oh ling a ling a ling a ling a ling ding dong
I love you darling and I want you for my own
I'll give you any, anything that I own
You should have known sweetheart
Hello, hello again, my friends
I hope that we will meet again
Ling a ling a ling ling a ling a ling
Oh ling a ling a ling ding dong
I love you, darling, and I want you for my own
I'll give you any, anything that I own
You should have known sweetheart, ring them bells
Hello, hello again, my friends
I hope that we will meet again
Oh ling a ling a ling ding dong
I love you, darling, and I want you for my own
I'll give you any, anything that I own