A docudrama (or documentary drama) is a genre of radio and television programming, feature film, and staged theatre, which features dramatized re-enactments of actual events. On stage, it is sometimes known as documentary theatre.
In the core elements of its story a docudrama strives to adhere to known historical facts, while allowing a greater or lesser degree of dramatic license in peripheral details, and where there are gaps in the historical record. Dialogue may include the actual words of real-life persons, as recorded in historical documents. Docudrama producers sometimes choose to film their reconstructed events in the actual locations in which the historical events occurred.
A docudrama, in which historical fidelity is the keynote, is generally distinguished from a film merely "based on true events", a term which implies a greater degree of dramatic license; and from the concept of "historical drama", a broader category which may also encompass largely fictionalized action taking place in historical settings or against the backdrop of historical events.
Warum seid Ihr weg gegangen und verschwunden
Warum seid Ihr weg gegangen und verschwunden
Verdreht vertagt verkauft auf morgen abgefunden
Und ständig auf der Suche nach dem nächsten Opfer
Einen neuen Weg zu gehen nur ein Schritt zurück
Geht's meistens steil bergab
Mach Dir keine Sorgen
Verlogen ist der Weg zum Glück
Und schon hast Du sie längst verraten
Intelligent und trotzdem blöde
Stehst Du am Abgrund
Und dieses Lied - egal und trotzdem wichtig
Und diese Zeit - egal und trotzdem wichtig