
Dizə or Diza may refer to:

  • Dizə, Julfa, Azerbaijan
  • Dizə, Ordubad, Azerbaijan
  • Dizə, Sharur, Azerbaijan
  • Diza, Iran (disambiguation)


    FILE_ID.DIZ is a plain text file containing a brief content description of the archive in which it is included. It was originally used in archives distributed through bulletin board systems (BBS).

    Bulletin boards commonly accept uploaded files from their users. The BBS software would prompt the user to supply a description for the uploaded file, but these descriptions were often less than useful. BBS system operators spent many hours going over the upload descriptions correcting and editing the descriptions. The FILE_ID.DIZ inclusion in archives was designed to address this problem.

    FILE_ID stands for "file identification". DIZ stands for Description In Zipfile.

    Clark Development and the Association of Shareware Professionals supported the idea of this becoming a standard for file descriptions. Clark rewrote the PCBDescribe program and included it with their PCBoard BBS software. The ASP urged their members to use this description file format in their distributions. Michael Leavitt, an employee of Clark Development, released the file specification and his PCBDescribe program source code to the public domain and urged other BBS software companies to support the DIZ file.






    Dizzy Gillespie


    Born: 1917-10-21

    Died: 1993-01-06


    7 Days, 7 Weeks

    by: Deus

    Sister love, why don't you break it up?
    You got to let someone look into your heart
    Sister love, how do you keep it up?
    If you don't let no-one look into your heart
    As a kid, you couldn't live it up
    You were so serious but always so smart
    As a kid, you couldn't keep it up
    And we were never close, so much apart
    Here comes the sun smiling
    How long have you been blue?
    There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
    All the time we lose
    There was a time when you were being so proud
    Could have been anythin' that you aspired
    There was a time when you were never around
    When somethin' good happened, somethin' good happened right
    So sister love, I'll help you off the ground
    You got to let someone look into your heart
    You got to turn this situation around
    You got to turn this, turn it around
    Here comes the sun smiling
    How long have you been blue?
    There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
    All the time we lose
    'Cause it's plain to see
    A storm is not the weather
    And I'm telling you girl
    You'll look at them and smile
    I'm telling you girl
    You'll look at them and smile
    7 days you should be givin' yourself
    All your belongings, all that you treasure
    7 weeks you think of nobody else
    Is this what you want, is this what you are?
    How did it come this far?
    Here comes the sun smilin'
    The only thing that's true
    There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
    All the time we lose
    'Cause it's plain to see
    A storm is not the weather
    And I'm telling you girl
    You'll look at them and smile
    And I'm telling you girl
    You'll look at them and smile
    And I'm telling you girl
    You'll look at them and smile
    And I'm telling you girl

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