Convergence tests
In mathematics, convergence tests are methods of testing for the convergence, conditional convergence, absolute convergence, interval of convergence or divergence of an infinite series.
List of tests
If the limit of the summand is undefined or nonzero, that is
, then the series must diverge. In this sense, the partial sums are Cauchy only if this limit exists and is equal to zero. The test is inconclusive if the limit of the summand is zero.
This is also known as D'Alembert's criterion. Suppose that there exists
such that
This is also known as the nth root test or Cauchy's criterion. Define r as follows:
The series can be compared to an integral to establish convergence or divergence. Let
be a non-negative and monotone decreasing function such that
. If
If the series
is an absolutely convergent series and
for sufficiently large n , then the series
converges absolutely.
, and the limit
exists, is finite and is not zero, then
converges if and only if