Distraint or distress is "the seizure of someone’s property in order to obtain payment of rent or other money owed", especially in common law countries. Distraint is the act or process "whereby a person (the distrainor), traditionally even without prior court approval, seizes the personal property of another located upon the distrainor's land in satisfaction of a claim, as a pledge for performance of a duty, or in reparation of an injury." Distraint typically involves the seizure of goods (chattels) belonging to the tenant by the landlord to sell the goods for the payment of the rent. In the past, distress was often carried out without court approval. Today, some kind of court action is usually required, the main exception being certain tax authorities, such as HM Revenue and Customs in the United Kingdom and, in the United States, the Internal Revenue Service—agencies that retain the legal power to levy assets (by either seizure or distraint) without a court order.
Article 61 of the Magna Carta extended the law of distraint to the monarch's properties. In England in 1267 the Statute of Marlborough was passed making distraint unlawful without a court order.
Clareou ôôô
Foi debaixo da saia dela
Que eu vi uma tatuagem tão bela
Desconjuro da mão do tatuador
Quem sabe nem até Salvador Dali
Tivesse delirado tão puro
Foi na praia na luz do lua
Que beijei aqueles lábios de sal
Eu te juro por tudo que for amor
Jamais esquecerei quem estava alí
Era ela a deusa do oriente
Era ela
Ah se eu tivesse a lâmpada do aladim
Guardaria você só pra mim
E num tapete mágico
Sobre os sete mares
Flutuar bem além lá de bagda
pra te amar sem limite sem fim
Só mandava um axé
Pelo arco-iris
E aquele shalom pro tatuador
Clareou ôôô