The order Diplura is one of the four groups of hexapods, alongside insects, springtails and Protura. They are sometimes called "two-pronged bristletails". Around 800 species have been described, of which around 70 occur in North America, 12 in Great Britain and two in Australia.
Diplurans are mostly 2–5 millimetres (0.08–0.20 in) long, although some species of Japyx may reach 50 mm (2.0 in). They have no eyes and, apart from the darkened cerci in some species, they are unpigmented. They have long antennae with 10 or more bead-like segments projecting forward from the head, and a pair of cerci projecting backwards from the last of the 11 abdominal somites. These cerci may be long and filamentous or short and pincer-like, leading to occasional confusion with earwigs. These cerci give the group its name, from the Greek diplo ("two") and uros ("tail"). Some diplurans have the ability to shed their cerci if necessary (autotomy); of all terrestrial arthropods, only diplurans have the ability to regenerate these lost appendages over a series of moults. Moulting occurs up to 30 times throughout the life of a dipluran, which is estimated to last up to one year. The abdomens of diplurans bear eversible vesicles, which seem to absorb moisture from the environment and help with the animal's water balance.
Diplura is a genus of funnel-web tarantulas found in South America and Cuba belonging to the subfamily Diplurinae. They possess a lyra on their prolateral maxillae. Diplura species can be distinguished from Trechona sp. by the number of setae on this lyra. They differ from Harmonicon sp. by the leg formula (1423 in Harmonicon, rather than 4123 in other genera of the subfamily) and the shape of the lyra bristles.
Diplura, "two-pronged bristletails", is an order of hexapods closely related to insects
Diplura may also refer to:
So now bend down
Disposable and irrelevant
To feel the force, feel the pain
Feel hydraulic darkness.
Again and again
I am your only god now
As I hold the key of objective pain and pleasure.
Open up, spread the sinews for the releasing pressure
Oh, precious nervine
For you I go the way of all flesh.
Intense flagellation shall combine us
Stay silenced
Her vibes wave my body
Sever the soul and let the flesh remain
And remember I am not god only when
I hold the key into your heart
Enter the dirtiest grace
Lilith in you licks me
Enter the transcendental darkness
Your behaviour leads me.