Debian Installer graphical etch.png
Original author(s) Debian Project
Developer(s) Debian Install System Team
Stable release 6.0.4 (Squeeze) / January 28, 2012; 4 months ago  (2012-01-28)
Development status active
Written in C
Operating system Debian, (loading from Microsoft Windows is supported via win32-loader)
Available in 87 Languages
Type OS installer
License GPL

Debian-Installer is the installation program for Debian. It was originally written for the Debian 3.1 release (codename: “sarge”), although the first "release" version of a Linux distribution it was used with was Skolelinux Venus (1.0). It is also one of two official installers available for Ubuntu; the other being called Ubiquity (itself based on parts of debian-installer) which was introduced in Ubuntu 6.06 (codename: "Dapper Drake").

It makes use of cdebconf (a reimplementation of debconf in C) to perform configuration at install time.

Originally, it only supported text-mode and ncurses. A graphical front-end (using GTK+-DirectFB) was first introduced in Debian 4.0 (codename: “etch”). Since Debian 6.0 (codename: “Squeeze”), it uses Xorg instead of DirectFB.

See also [link]

External links [link]


Di or DI may refer to:


  • Di (surname) (狄), a Chinese surname sometimes also romanized Dee, particularly:
    • Di Renjie a Tang-dynasty official later fictionalized in a series of Chinese detective stories
  • Di Renjie a Tang-dynasty official later fictionalized in a series of Chinese detective stories
  • A diminutive form of the names:
  • Diana (given name)
  • Diane
  • Dianne (disambiguation)
  • Princess Di, a common name for Diana, Princess of Wales (1961–1997)
  • Ethnography

  • The Northern Di or Beidi (), ethnic groups living in northern China during the Zhou Dynasty
  • Di (Wu Hu) (), a different ethnic group that overran northern China during the Sixteen Kingdoms period
  • Places

  • Di Department, one of the eight departments of the Sourou Province in Burkina Faso
  • Abbreviation

  • Di, prefix used in organic chemistry nomenclature
  • Didymium, a mixture of the elements praseodymium and neodymium once thought to be an element
  • Natural sciences

  • Band 3, a protein
  • Deionized water (DI water), a type of water deprived of the dissolved impurities of ionic nature
  • View (Buddhism)

    View or position (Pali diṭṭhi, Sanskrit dṛṣṭi) is a central idea in Buddhism. In Buddhist thought, in contrast with the commonsense understanding, a view is not a simple, abstract collection of propositions, but a charged interpretation of experience which intensely shapes and affects thought, sensation, and action. Having the proper mental attitude toward views is therefore considered an integral part of the Buddhist path.


    Views are produced by and in turn produce mental conditioning. They are symptoms of conditioning, rather than neutral alternatives individuals can dispassionately choose. The Buddha, according to the discourses, having attained the state of unconditioned mind, is said to have "passed beyond the bondage, tie, greed, obsession, acceptance, attachment, and lust of view."

    The Buddha of the early discourses often refers to the negative effect of attachment to speculative or fixed views, dogmatic opinions, or even correct views if not personally known to be true. In describing the highly diverse intellectual landscape of his day, he is said to have referred to "the wrangling of views, the jungle of views." He assumed an unsympathetic attitude toward speculative and religious thought in general. In a set of poems in the Sutta Nipata, the Buddha states that he himself has no viewpoint. According to Steven Collins, these poems distill the style of teaching that was concerned less with the content of views and theories than with the psychological state of those who hold them.

