Gevurah or geburah (גבורה) is the fifth sephirah in the kabbalistic tree of life, and it is the second of the emotive attributes of the sephirot. It sits below Binah, across from Chesed, and above Hod.
Gevurah is 'the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation, and corresponds to awe and the element of fire,'
In the Bahir it is written "And who are the Officers? We learned that there are three. Strength (Gevurah) Is the Officer of all the Holy Forms to the left of the Blessed Holy One. He is Gabriel."
Gevurah is associated with the color red.
Gevurah is the fifth of the ten Sefirot, and second of the emotive attributes in Creation, and which corresponds to the second day of creation(Zohar 2:127b). In the Bahir it says "What is the fifth (utterance)? Fifth is the great fire of God, of which it says 'let me see no more of this great fire, lest I die (Deut 18:16). This is the left hand of God".
Gevurah is understood as God's mode of punishing the wicked and judging humanity in general. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice. This stands in contrast to Chesed.
This is a list of notable and recurring fictional characters from The Legend of Zelda series of video games developed by Nintendo.
The protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series, Link, is the name of various Hylian youths who characteristically wear a green tunic and a pointed cap. He has the pointed ears of the ancient Hylian race. He also has the Triforce symbol on his left hand. Each Link is described on the series' official website as humble, hard-working and brave, and therefore appropriate to bear the Triforce of Courage. The various Links each have a special title, such as "Hero of Time", "Hero of the Winds" or "Hero chosen by the gods". Link is left-handed, with two exceptions. In the Wii version of Twilight Princess, Link is right-handed due to the "mirroring" used to accommodate the right-handed control scheme, which flips the entire game world's layout from that of its Nintendo GameCube counterpart. Link is also right-handed in the title Skyward Sword. Also in the manual for the original game, he is depicted as being right-handed, and in the game itself, Link is seen as ambidextrous because whether he is facing left or right his sword is in the "down screen side".
Gina Din (born 23 October 1961) is a businesswoman in East Africa, particularly Kenya, specializing in strategic communication and public relations. She worked at Barclays Bank for 14 years. Some of her clients include Safaricom, Kenya Airways, KCB and Kenya Red Cross. Din was born in Nanyuki, Kenya. and attended the London School of Journalism. She was named by the New African magazine as one of 100 Most Influential Africans in business. Din is married to Christopher Kariuki.
spider and fly, together in thinner together in prey.
weigh in, add in, say in, speak in, say in.
the coffers in ways and in deeds and in ties.
spider and fly, together through supper, together say aye.
count in, way in, kill in, stay in, stay in.
the filth of the rodent in ways and in lies.
a path too great to choose, a path too great to choose.
dug in, dig in, stay in, die in, deed in, add in, plus, sub in, fill in, flee in.
"spider" says fly, can ways and reasion and rules yet apply.
stay in, laugh in, trade in, wade in, trade in.
truth and reason and fairness yet die.
a path too great to choose, a path too great to choose.
eat the rubble and ruin.
that won't feed this baby.
feed this baby another baby.