Dinokaryota is the main class of dinoflagellates. They include all species where the nucleus remains a dinokaryon throughout the entire cell cycle, which is typically dominated by the haploid stage. All the "typical" dinoflagellates, such as Peridinium and Gymnodinium, belong here. Others are more unusual, including some that are colonial, amoeboid, or parasitic. Symbiodinium contains the symbiotic zooxanthellae.
The non-photosynthetic members are believed to derive from photosynthetic ancestors.
Dinoflagellates are classified by morphology.
Species with a theca are divided into four orders, based on the arrangement of the armor plates:
The Peridiniales are probably paraphyletic to the others, and on rRNA trees they are mixed with the species that lack thecae. The other three orders are probably monophyletic, with the Dinophysiales and Prorocentrales as close relatives, united by the presence of a sagittal suture dividing the theca in two.
What a day, what a day, what a day, what a day
Life's great when graveyard is your home
What a day, what a day, what a day
Undead rotting bones
When we come to town
The people just keep their heads down
Trying to escape
Corpses all over the place
Maggots in my brain
Believe me, I don't feel no pain
Fingers are my tools
Bloodthirst is pretty cool
Soon you'll see, you run out of time
What a day, what a day, what a day, what a day
Life's great when graveyard is your home
What a day, what a day, what a day
Undead rotting bones
Neon nights are bright
Nobody of us saw daylight
Cannot lose our lites
No limits in the minds
Killin' just for fun
Tomorrow it will be your turn
Going straight to hell
Agony, I can tell
Soon you'll see, you run out of time
What a day, what a day, what a day, what a day
Life's great when graveyard is your home
What a day, what a day, what a day
Undead rotting bones
When we come to town
The people just keep their heads down
Trying to escape
Corpses all over the place
Maggots in my brain
Believe me, I don't feel no pain
Fingers are my tools
Bloodthirst is pretty cool
Soon you'll see, you run out of time
What a day, what a day, what a day, what a day
Life's great when graveyard is your home
What a day, what a day, what a day