
Dinocroc is an American 2004 creature horror film, starring Charles Napier and Joanna Pacuła, produced by Roger Corman, and directed by Kevin O'Neill. It had a limited theatrical release in early 2004 before premiering on the Syfy Channel in April of that year. A prehistoric dinosaur, known as the Suchomimus, is genetically engineered by the GERECO Corporation, headed by Paula Kennedy (Joanna Pacuła). After being spliced with a modern-day crocodile, the creature escapes from the lab and begins terrorizing the lake-side residents of a nearby town. it was followed by two sequels (Supergator and Dinocroc vs. Supergator) and a spin-off (Dinoshark).


A North African dinosaur, related to the crocodile, is found which could grow up to fifty feet long. Dr. Campbell (Bruce Weitz) uses its DNA to create two hybrids of it with a modern-day crocodile at Paula Kennedy's Genetic Research Co. (Gereco) lab. One creature kills Dr. Campbell's assistant and the other creature before escaping. This information is kept from Sheriff Harper (Napier) by Kennedy, stating the dead creature killed Campbell's assistant. His daughter, county dog catcher Diane Harper, helps her ex welding artist, Tom Banning, and his 12-year-old brother Michael (Jake Thomas) find their three legged dog, Lucky, who was lost a few days earlier.


Supergator is a 2007 horror film from Roger Corman starring Brad Johnson and Kelly McGillis. The music was by Damon Ebner.


After Corman produced Dinocroc in 2004, he wanted to create a sequel to be named Dinocroc 2. However, Sci-Fi Channel turned down the project after claiming that sequels did not do well for them. Corman decided to go ahead with the project, but under the name Supergator.


Professor Scott Kinney is an American geologist monitoring a local volcano when the Supergator, a Phobosuchus recreated from fossilized, preserved DNA escapes from a secret bio-engineering research center/laboratory. Along the way, it eats thirteen people, including two lovers, three drunken teens, three models, two tourists and a fisherman. It also eats Alexandra Stevens and Ryan Houston.

Kinney joins forces with another scientist, Kim Taft, and a Texan alligator hunter named Jake. They pursue the monster as it heads down river intent on destroying a luxurious resort packed with hundreds of tourists. Conventional weapons have no effect on it at all and Kim is eaten. So they, with the help of Carla, plan a trap for it using a fake volcano. They lure him on to it, with Jake using himself as live bait. The Supergator devours him and Kinney kills it by shooting at the fake volcano, which then blows up the beast, killing it.




by: Indochine

Le monde est un pervers
Et je continuerai de le braver
Parce que le monde est un enfer
Plus rien ne m'atteindra
Le diable ne sait plus quoi faire
Pour contrôler ses intérêts
Que sur nos corps percés d'acier
Et maquillés de noir
Sable... moi sous le sable
Et toi... et moi sous le sable
Si moi j'étais la reine de ta vie
Juste pour aujourd'hui
La reine de ta vie
Je serai dans tes rêves
Tu seras dans les miens
Juste aujourd'hui
La reine de ma vie
Le monde est fait comme ça
Mais je continuerai de le narguer
Et on voudra ramper sous le sable
Et rien ne nous arrêtera
Sable... moi sous le sable...
Et toi... et moi sous le sable...
Si nous étions les reines de notre vie
Juste aujourd'hui
Les reines de notre vie
Tu seras dans mes rêves
Je serai dans les tiens
Je serai ta reine
Le reste de ma vie
