Dinobots are a type of character in the fictional Transformers Universe. The Dinobots group consists of several subgroups of robots, each of whose transformed mode is that of a dinosaur or similar prehistoric animal. Dinobots are referred to as Dinotrons in the Japanese version, and Dinobots (ダイノボット, Dainobotto) in the Japanese dub of Transformers Animated. They were named among the top selling toys in 1985 by Playthings magazine.
The Dinobots are a group of Transformers, part of the Autobot faction. Their origins and abilities vary from one version of Transformers to the next, but they are generally depicted as powerful Autobots capable of sustaining heavy damage and wielding heavy firepower against their foes. They are the only known Autobot group—other than the Aerialbots—capable of flight in robot mode, a trait they share with the Decepticons. They are always portrayed as fiercely independent, and are prone to diverge from the main group of Autobots to pursue their own agenda.
wheN everythiNg seems to Drive me fAr AwAy
wheN everyoNe clAim to strAighteN my miND
I keep my thought iN the uNcoNscious’ Depths
from where A DAy everythiNg will rise As mist
the fog is hiDiNg my weAk AND coNfuseD will
I cANNot feel the surrouNDiNg bAfflemeNt
I cAN’t AppreheND whAt’s hAppeNiNg iN my miND
I’m oNly sure everythiNg will rise As mist
I’ll rise like fog
which pierce your fAte