Dilgar War
The Dilgar War is a fictional war that forms part of the back story of the science fiction television series Babylon 5.
Until the early 23rd Century the mighty Centauri Republic controlled a vast empire. When the Centauri became decadent and corrupt their empire began to decline and the Centauri military began to withdraw. As this happened another alien race, the Dilgar, moved in to fill the void left by the Centauri. The Dilgar were a xenophobic race who displayed little except contempt for alien species. Although not as advanced technologically as the Minbari or Centauri, the Dilgar were still more advanced and powerful than most of the other alien species they came into contact with. As the Centauri gradually retreated in the early 23rd Century, the Dilgar slowly increased the size of their own empire by conquering or simply annexing nearby worlds.
In the 2220s the Dilgar learned that their sun was about to go into a supernova stage, an event which would completely destroy their world. To ensure the survival of their species, the Dilgar greatly accelerated their campaign of conquest and expansion. Although they had already proven themselves to be a ruthless opponent, the threat of their sun going nova caused them to abandon any pretense of morality or decency. Believing all species that were not Dilgar to be nothing more than potential slaves at best, the Dilgar quickly began attacking and destroying the outposts of many alien worlds.