Digital Britain
The Digital Britain report was a policy document published in 2009, which outlined the United Kingdom Government's strategic vision for ensuring that the country is at the leading edge of the global digital economy.
The Digital Economy Act was one of the outcomes of this policy.
The UK government announced on 29 January 2009 that it planned to have 100% broadband coverage in the UK by 2012, with a minimum speed of 2 Mbit/s. Some industry experts, including broadband think tank PointTopic and measurement site SamKnows, claimed that these plans were ill thought out. However, a government-backed forum hoped to address such issues, with a view to succeeding within the 2012 deadline.
Closely based on a 2007 government-commissioned think tank report from The Work Foundation, the final Digital Britain report was released on 16 June 2009, and made a number of recommendations with regard to broadband access, internet use and public service broadcasting. Among these recommendations were: