Dieter Henrich (born 5 January 1927) is a German philosopher. A contemporary thinker in the tradition of German Idealism, Henrich is particularly known for the influence of Kant, Hegel and Fichte in his work.
Henrich studied philosophy between 1946 and 1950 at Marburg, Frankfurt and Heidelberg. He completed his PhD dissertation at Heidelberg in 1950 under the supervision of Hans-Georg Gadamer. The title of his thesis was Die Einheit der Wissenschaftslehre Max Webers (The Unity of Max Weber's Epistemology). A professor at the universities of Munich, Berlin and Heidelberg, he has also been a visiting professor to universities in the United States, such as Harvard and Columbia.
In 2008, Henrich was awarded the Dr. Leopold Lucas Prize by the University of Tübingen.