Die usually refers to the cessation of life.
Die may also refer to:
A die in the context of integrated circuits is a small block of semiconducting material, on which a given functional circuit is fabricated. Typically, integrated circuits are produced in large batches on a single wafer of electronic-grade silicon (EGS) or other semiconductor (such as GaAs) through processes such as photolithography. The wafer is cut (“diced”) into many pieces, each containing one copy of the circuit. Each of these pieces is called a die.
There are three commonly used plural forms: dice, dies, and die.
Single NPN bipolar junction transistor die.
Single NPN bipolar junction transistor die.
Close-up of an RGB light-emitting diode, showing the three individual silicon dice.
Close-up of an RGB light-emitting diode, showing the three individual silicon dice.
A small-scale integrated circuit die, with bond wires attached.
A small-scale integrated circuit die, with bond wires attached.
A VLSI integrated-circuit die.
A VLSI integrated-circuit die.
In philately, a die is the engraved image of a stamp on metal which is subsequently multiplied by impression to create the printing plate (or printing base).
The Latin word imperator was originally a title roughly equivalent to commander under the Roman Republic. Later it became a part of the titulature of the Roman Emperors as part of their cognomen. The English word emperor derives from imperator via Old French Empereür. The Roman emperors themselves generally based their authority on multiple titles and positions, rather than preferring any single title. Nevertheless, imperator was used relatively consistently as an element of a Roman ruler's title throughout the principate (derived from princeps, from which prince in English is derived) and the dominate.
In Latin, the feminine form of imperator is imperatrix, denoting a ruling female.
When Rome was ruled by kings, to be able to rule, the king had to be invested with the full regal authority and power. So, after the comitia curiata, held to elect the king, the king also had to be conferred the imperium.
In Roman Republican literature and epigraphy, an imperator was a magistrate with imperium (Rivero, 2006). But also, mainly in the later Roman Republic and during the late Republican civil wars, imperator was the honorifical title assumed by certain military commanders. After an especially great victory, an army's troops in the field would proclaim their commander imperator, an acclamation necessary for a general to apply to the Senate for a triumph. After being acclaimed imperator, the victorious general had a right to use the title after his name until the time of his triumph, where he would relinquish the title as well as his imperium.
SS Imperator was an ocean liner built for the Hamburg America Line (Hamburg Amerikanische Paketfahrt Aktien Gesellschaft, or HAPAG), launched in 1912. Upon launch, she surpassed the just completed RMS Titanic by 24 ft., and she herself was surpassed the same year by SS Vaterland (later SS Leviathan) by 44 ft. She was the first of a trio of successively larger Hamburg America ships that included SS Vaterland and SS Bismarck built by the line for transatlantic passenger service. At the time of her completion in June 1913, she was the largest passenger ship in the world, surpassing the Titanic's sister ship the Olympic.
During World War I, the ship remained in port in Hamburg. After the war, she was briefly commissioned into the United States Navy as USS Imperator (ID-4080) and employed as a transport, returning American troops from Europe. Following her U.S. Navy service, Imperator was handed over to Britain's Cunard Line as part of war reparations, and she sailed as the flagship RMS Berengaria for the final decade of her career.
Imperator is a genus of fungi in the family Boletaceae. It was circumscribed in 2015 by Boris Assyov and colleagues. The erection of Imperator follows recent molecular studies that outlined a new phylogenetic framework for the Boletaceae. The type species is Imperator torosus, an "impressive and prestigious" species to which the generic name Imperator refers.
The following species have been reclassified in the new genus.
Eine is a village located in the province of East Flanders, Belgium. Since July 2, 1965, it has been a deelgemeente (subdivision) of the municipality of Oudenaarde.
The village lies in the Flemish Ardennes, on the left bank of the Scheldt; the Marollebeek goes through the village. Eine borders Bevere to the center of Oudenaarde. Saint Eligius is the patron saint of the village.
The central cemetery, the recycling center, and the water treatment plant of Oudenaarde are located in Eine. There is also a brewery, Brouwerij Cnudde.
Tausend Frauen, doch nicht eine mit Augen wie diese,
bekomm' die Krise
vielleicht steht sie auf Spanier oder Portugiesen
fiese Gedanken
vielleicht steht sie auf Maenner mit Millionen auf Banken,
meine Blicke schiessen Flanken
doch sie ist beschaeftigt
sie redet heftig
wenn ich noch weiter starr dann werd' ich garantiert laestig
also wart ich ab
frag' nach, ich muss es wissen,
denn wie kann ich jemanden den ich nicht kenn' vermissen
bin zerissen
meine Knie weich wie Sofakissen
ich koennte schreien, sie ist nicht allein - kein Glueck
doch von der anderen Seite
sehe ich sie lachen,
denk an tausend Sachen
ich weiss, ich verfueg' nicht ueber Yachten und Villen,
doch einen starken Willen
sodass wir doch irgendwann auf den Antillen chillen
traeumen tut weh
obwohl ich ihren Mann beneide
geb' ich mir noch eine Chance, diese oder keine
Die Eine, die Eine, oder keine
fuer keine andere Frau ging ich lieber in den Bau
und keiner anderen Frau trau' ich mehr ueber den Weg
es gibt keine andere Frau mit der ich mich lieber schlafen leg'
Zwei Monate spaeter steht es fest
mach jetzt bloss kein' Stress, SHIT
ich kann nicht schlafen wie vorm Einstellungstest
ich seh' in Augen, die so blau sind wie Wasser in Buchten am Atlantik
und ich verliere den ueberlick
ich moecht' dir soviel sagen, hab soviel zu fragen,
doch da sie gerade mal meinen Namen kennt
erleide ich Hoellenqualen
und nur eine Woche spaeter sitzten wir in meinem Wagen,
das Wasser bis zum Kragen
doch ich muss es wagen
nenne die Dinge beim Namen,
liege kurz darauf in ihren Armen
nein, ich verzicht' auf jeden Harem
ich brauch' nur dich,
deine Stimme, deinen Koerper
und deshalb fass' ich's in Woerter
Ich habe die Frau fuers Leben,
die eine mit der ich alles ueberlebe
selbst nackt baden im Freibad unter saurem Regen - eben
ich bleib dir treu so wie Josef Maria,
wir trinken jede Nacht Sangria, Batia, Imida
nein, du geitzt nicht mit Reizen
wenn du willst bist du Porno wie Sarah White
nur damit du's weisst ich schenk dir mein Vertrauen
mit dir kann ich klauen
will ich Haeuser bauen
nachts am Fenster stehen und nach UFOs schauen
ich bin dein Mann,
ob mit oder ohne Ring ich brauch dich
gehoer' zu dir wie das Yang zum Ying
sirbst du so folg' ich dir
wir beide reinkaniern, wie Buddha
du wirst mich niemals verlieren
es tut mir leid, wenn ich dich manchmal verletze,
doch nur mit dir kann ich feiern
sogar an stink normalen Plaetzen
deine Haut ist weich wie Babypopos
in deinem Schoss find ich Trost,
lass mich niemals los