Didier Ratsiraka
Vice Admiral Didier Ratsiraka (born 4 November 1936) is a Malagasy politician who was President of Madagascar from 1975 to 1993 and from 1997 to 2002.
Second Republic
Born in Vatomandry, Atsinanana Region, Ratsiraka served as Minister of Foreign Affairs under Gabriel Ramanantsoa from 1972 until 1975. Known as the "Red Admiral", he was made head of state, as President of the Supreme Revolutionary Council, by the military leadership on June 15, 1975. He began setting up a socialist system, guided by the Charter of the Malagasy Socialist Revolution, which was approved in a referendum held on December 21, 1975, establishing the Second Republic; Ratsiraka was also elected President for a seven-year term in this referendum, which received the backing of 95% of voters according to official results. The political party Vanguard of the Malagasy Revolution (FNDR) was founded; in 1989 its name was changed to AREMA (Andry sy Rihana Enti-Manavotra an'i Madagasikara) (Pillar and Structure for the Salvation of Madagascar).