A sneeze, or sternutation, is a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal mucosa. A sneeze expels air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. Sneezing is possibly linked to sudden exposure to bright light, sudden change (fall) in temperature, breeze of cold air, a particularly full stomach, or viral infection, and can lead to the spread of disease.
The function of sneezing is to expel mucus containing foreign particles or irritants and cleanse the nasal cavity. During a sneeze, the soft palate and palatine uvula depress while the back of the tongue elevates to partially close the passage to the mouth so that air ejected from the lungs may be expelled through the nose. Because the closing of the mouth is partial, a considerable amount of this air is usually also expelled from the mouth. The force and extent of the expulsion of the air through the nose varies.
Sneeze is an internet video game first released in 2009 and inspired by the 2009 swine flu outbreak in which the object is to infect as many people as possible in a public place. The places include a train station, a supermarket, a nursery, and more. In all, there are 10 levels.
The game was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust.
The game works by allowing one sneeze at each level. At each level, the player's character is moved to a point of choice on the board in the setting. The player than "sneezes" and "germs" are spread in hopes of infecting as many other people as possible. Even if that sneeze does not infect everyone itself, there is a chance that others may be infected by those who were infected by the initial sneeze. If the player reaches the target (percentage of people who must be affected on that level), s/he is allowed to proceed to the next level.
Later in the year, the game was rebranded as "Stop Swine Flu."
Sneeze or 41 Songs In 47 Minutes (HAC50) as it is also known, is the first album by Australian band Sneeze. On the cover, tracks 1, 22-41 are marked as "bonus tracks" - the rest were initially released as a double 7 inch vinyl (Moo 08). Total running time of the album is 47 minutes, the track Demand is the shortest song at 18 seconds, Back Down the longest at 1:58.
Dice (singular die or dice; from Old French dé; from Latin datum "something which is given or played";) are small throwable objects with multiple resting positions, used for generating random numbers. Dice are suitable as gambling devices for games like craps and are also used in non-gambling tabletop games.
A traditional die is a rounded cube, with each of its six faces showing a different number of dots (pips) from 1 to 6. When thrown or rolled, the die comes to rest showing on its upper surface a random integer from one to six, each value being equally likely. A variety of similar devices are also described as dice; such specialized dice may have polyhedral or irregular shapes and may have faces marked with symbols instead of numbers. They may be used to produce results other than one through six. Loaded and crooked dice are designed to favor some results over others for purposes of cheating or amusement.
A dice tray, a tray used to contain thrown dice, is sometimes used for gambling or board games, in particular to allow dice throws which do not interfere with other game pieces.
In Greek mythology the Horae (/ˈhɔːriː/ or /ˈhɔːraɪ/) or Hours (Greek: Ὧραι, Hōrai, pronounced [hɔ̂ːraj], "seasons") were the goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time. They were originally the personifications of nature in its different seasonal aspects, but in later times they were regarded as goddesses of order in general and natural justice. "They bring and bestow ripeness, they come and go in accordance with the firm law of the periodicities of nature and of life", Karl Kerenyi observed: "Hora means 'the correct moment'." Traditionally, they guarded the gates of Olympus, promoted the fertility of the earth, and rallied the stars and constellations.
The course of the seasons was also symbolically described as the dance of the Horae, and they were accordingly given the attributes of spring flowers, fragrance and graceful freshness. For example, in Hesiod's Works and Days, the fair-haired Horai, together with the Charites and Peitho crown Pandora—she of "all gifts"—with garlands of flowers. Similarly Aphrodite, emerging from the sea and coming ashore at Cyprus, is dressed and adorned by the Horai, and, according to a surviving fragment of the epic Cypria, Aphrodite wore clothing made for her by the Charites and Horai, dyed with spring flowers, such as the Horai themselves wear.
Dice is the debut comedy album by comedian Andrew Dice Clay, which was released in 1989.
I made a decision, despite all the things that we go thru
I’m going to take more time with you, and be a friend indeed
I made a decision, that everything will be alright
Going to stay strong and keep it tight, I’ll be there indeed
Let me talk to you, when it feels like the sun ain’t shining bright enough
It’s like the devil’s trying to work to give ????
And though I’m blessed, I still gotta handle of things I go through
It’s good to have a friend, with another perspective to show you
Someone you know that knows you, and gives you motivation
Someone that you can go to, and vent your frustration
We always talk about our peeps, how we be everywhere
When you need ‘em the most, are they really ever there?
See , every thing be all good when we be havin’ fun
The difference is really needing a friend than having one
It’s good when your peoples are there to help your problems
And help you smile about it while finding a way to solve it
Look at hear, let me keep it at 100 and let me tell ya
How you hold me down is something I genuinely value
I got a clearer view, and being that you’re always here for me I’ll be here for you
I made a decision, despite all the things that we go thru
I’m going to take more time with you, and be a friend indeed
I made a decision, that everything will be alright
Going to stay strong and keep it tight, I’ll be there indeed
Well, how you been baby? But I’m sayin’
Even though we probably link up every now and then
With minimal convo, look it’s real good to see you friend
Something that we allow that I don’t even have to mention
Is whether or not you got me, that’s something that I never question
Sometimes I feel that the people that I love don’t appreciate me
And some hate to see the shit I’ve been going through lately
See you was here, when it started to haywire
You’re still here, walkin with me going thru the fire
And I really love you for it, I know you all relate too
On everything that I believe and I appreciate it you
And just for that, it don’t matter you can put that on my name
The way you rep me, let me be there just for you the same
Sometimes the pressure and the pain, it be wearin’ me out
But I thank you for just bein’ there and for hearin’ me out
I got a clearer view, I thank God that you’re here for me and I’m here for you
I made a decision, despite all the things that we go thru
I’m going to take more time with you, and be a friend indeed
I made a decision, that everything will be alright
Going to stay strong and keep it tight, I’ll be there indeed
I, look in your eye, and I see the pain in it
Life’s a game, maybe the game did it
I know I changed, they say the fame did it
Life’s changed, maybe the game did it
Two friends, now in two different places
And the mister catchin’ planes, and you catching cases
Friendship, we never based it on position
No matter the game, we both shared the same vision
Decisions to split us in the place that life seemed to hit us
I would come to town and never get up, with you
Around then, things weren’t so simple
I had my own issues that I was trying to get through
Outside chatter, messing with our mental
On the chase of ???? trust, you can’t forget to
It’s the real friends, that you’ve got to tend to
No matter how far, just know that I’m with you
I made a decision, despite all the things that we go thru
I’m going to take more time with you, and be a friend indeed
I made a decision, that everything will be alright
Going to stay strong and keep it tight, I’ll be there indeed