Diane Julie Abbott (born 27 September 1953) is a British Labour Party politician who is the Shadow Secretary of State for International Development. She was first elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Hackney North and Stoke Newington at the 1987 general election, when she became the first black woman to have a seat in the House of Commons.
Abbott was born to Jamaican immigrants in London in 1953. Her father was a welder and her mother a nurse. She attended Harrow County Grammar School for Girls, and then Newnham College, Cambridge, where she read history. At Cambridge, she was tutored by historian Simon Schama. She has since said that Cambridge was the making of her. After university she became an administration trainee at the Home Office (1976 to 1978), and then a Race Relations Officer at the National Council for Civil Liberties (1978 to 1980). Abbott was a researcher and reporter at Thames Television from 1980 to 1983 and then a researcher and reporter at the breakfast television company TV-am from 1983 to 1985. Abbott was a press officer at the Greater London Council under Ken Livingstone from 1985 to 1986 and Head of Press and Public Relations at Lambeth Council from 1986 to 1987.
wheN everythiNg seems to Drive me fAr AwAy
wheN everyoNe clAim to strAighteN my miND
I keep my thought iN the uNcoNscious’ Depths
from where A DAy everythiNg will rise As mist
the fog is hiDiNg my weAk AND coNfuseD will
I cANNot feel the surrouNDiNg bAfflemeNt
I cAN’t AppreheND whAt’s hAppeNiNg iN my miND
I’m oNly sure everythiNg will rise As mist
I’ll rise like fog
which pierce your fAte