Diana Skouris
Diana Skouris is a fictional character in the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400.
Season One
Initially portrayed as somewhat cold and removed, Diana Skouris was partnered with Tom Baldwin in the pilot episode to investigate the 4400 returnees. She expresses displeasure at being partnered with him, declaring that "He went MIA once. Who's to say he won't do it again?"
Not much is revealed about Diana in the first season, but it is hinted that her relationship with her father is very poor. In the Pilot, when the staff of NTAC contact their relatives, Diana even seems to believe her father will not immediately recognize her name.
Diana gradually thaws somewhat, becoming a loyal partner and friend to Tom. The first 4400 abductee, eight-year-old Maia Rutledge, asks to move in with her in the season one episode "The New and Improved Carl Morrissey". Initially Diana is surprised at Maia'a request, thinking herself ill-suited to motherhood, and Maia observes "You don't like being alone either." Nevertheless, their relationship proceeds well, and Diana jokingly labels Maia "The grown-up one."