Diana Gwenyth Bliss (11 November 1954 – 28 January 2012) was an Australian theatre producer.
Bliss was born on 11 November 1954 in Temora. Her father, Douglas Bliss, was a Methodist minister in the nearby town of Ardlethan. The family later moved to Epping.
Bliss studied fashion design at the East Sydney Technical College and subsequently became an air hostess for Qantas. She went on to work in public relations at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel in Perth, where she first met businessman Alan Bond in 1979.
In 1989 Bliss was involved in an insider trading investigation when she purchased 500,000 shares in Petro Energy at eight cents per share, just before Bond Corporation launched a takeover bid paying 14 cents per share.
Bliss developed an interest in the theatre and moved into production. Her notable projects included Our Country's Good in 1991 and The Holy Terror in New York in 1993.
Bliss became a successful theatrical producer, working on the West End. Our Country's Good won the Laurence Olivier BBC Award in 1988 for best play. The Broadway production was nominated for six Tony awards. Wayne Harrison of the Sydney Theatre Company (STC) said "Bliss was instrumental in bringing several theatrical properties quickly to the STC, the most notable being Oleanna, which became one of the great STC successes of the 1990s. Without her intervention, that important piece of 'of the moment' theatre wouldn't have happened in Sydney, and subsequently around Australia." Bliss produced Tracy Letts' Killer Joe in 1996.
Lord of the earth
In power exalted above and below
In whose hand the son is a
Glittering and sword and the moon
Ppo mops igsnges opiko mops
Teletapkae epidezia kpsnikes
Epaiapistepo daimonos teg op gai
Pepi mops o asten ton pe
Nte, kai en tei steile o astep ton
Fire who measure your
Garments in the midst,
My vesture, trusseth, you are as
The palms of my hands brightened
Your vestments with
Dark infernal light, cover us
Made a law to govern the holy ones
And deliver a rod with
Wisdom supreme
You litted your voices and swore
Your allegiance to Him that lived
Triumphant whose beginning but,
End cannot be
Which shinneth as a flame in the
Midst of you palace, and reigneth
Among you as the balance of life
Move, therefore and appear!!!
Open the mysteries of you creation
And be friendly to me
I reign over them saith the lord in
Power the moon is ineriable, you are
As the palms of my hands and brightened
Your vestments with dark infernal light!!!
The true worshipper of the high priest