Tyson is both a surname and a masculine given name. Notable Meanings of the name "Tyson" include: Son of a German, Son of Tye Fiery, Son of Dye. English meanings include:High-spirited, firebranded.
Tyson (born October 2001) is a bulldog that is famous for his ability to skateboard. He has appeared on numerous TV shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show and Rob & Big, and has been featured on Internet video sites such as YouTube. His owner, Jim Blauvelt says that the dog was self-taught, starting in Huntington Beach, California in 2001. He appeared in the two movies: Lords of Dogtown and Undiscovered in which his performance was considered to be "outstandingly gifted". When performing, he earns over $1000 a day.
Tyson (dates unknown) was an English amateur cricketer who made four known appearances in first-class cricket matches from 1785 to 1794.
He was a member of the White Conduit Club and an early member of Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC).
Dial may refer to:
Dial is a progressive rock band based in the Netherlands.
Dial was founded in late 2003 by Liselotte Hegt, Rommert van der Meer and Kristoffer Gildenlöw. Early on, the band was pure a hobby but after Kristoffer's departure from Swedish prog metal band Pain of Salvation in early 2006, the band headed towards a more serious destiny.
In summer 2006, the band went to Austria to record their debut album Synchronized together with producer Devon Graves (of Deadsoul Tribe and Psychotic Waltz). This album was released in May 2007 through Prog Rock Records (US).
999 is an official emergency telephone number in a number of countries which allows the caller to contact emergency services for urgent assistance.
Countries and territories using 999 include Bahrain, Bangladesh, Botswana, Ghana, Hong Kong, Kenya, Macau, Malaysia, Mauritius, Qatar, Ireland, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Kingdom of Swaziland, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe.
999 is the historic emergency number for the United Kingdom, but calls are also accepted on the European Union emergency number, 112. All calls are answered by 999 operators. Calls are always free.
In the United Kingdom there are four emergency services which maintain full-time Emergency Control Centres (ECC), to which 999 emergency calls may be directly routed by emergency operators in telephone company Operator Assistance Centres (OAC). These services are as follows, listed in the order of percentage of calls received:
A tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process. Tool use by humans dates back millions of years, and other animals are also known to employ simple tools.
Tools that are used in particular fields or activities may have different designations such as "instrument", "utensil", "implement", "machine", "device," or "apparatus". The set of tools needed to achieve a goal is "equipment". The knowledge of constructing, obtaining and using tools is technology.
Anthropologists believe that the use of tools was an important step in the evolution of mankind. Because tools are used extensively by both humans and wild chimpanzees, it is widely assumed that the first routine use of tools took place prior to the divergence between the two species. These early tools, however, were likely made of perishable materials such as sticks, or consisted of unmodified stones that cannot be distinguished from other stones as tools.
Stone artifacts only date back to about 2.5 million years ago. However, a 2010 study suggests the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis ate meat by carving animal carcasses with stone implements. This finding pushes back the earliest known use of stone tools among hominins to about 3.4 million years ago.